BYLAW - Appoint an Inspector - 19551026 - 124755BY-LAW NUlVIBER . I:J . .tt-7 REPEALED, SEfj 7 c( BY-LAW NO ...... L ....... , ..... - OF THE CORPORiiTION OF 'J'HE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW '1'0 .APPOINT .AN INSPECTIDR PURSUANT TO THE REQ,UIREMEN'l'S OF THE TRENCH EXCAVATORS PROTECTION ACT, 19.54. C0A-~ O--N,__c.1 :.a11 .,c:~c'7; ~ WHEREAS it is necessary under the provisions of 'llhe "'<clS . ./ --r: . """"" --.... 't;f-0-4t~C;r tJLtlt<~-;.t 4~ t.r-/1?-;,.,-:.,·.ZP- Trench Excavators Protection Act, 19.54, to appoint one or more inspectors to enforce the provisions of The Trench Excavators Protection .Act, 19.54. a.-vvd 0-•H'/fC/!..Ct./;c.:'r. a;. A4fcc z;; THEREFORE THE IIIUNICIP.AL COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR4TION OF THE TOWN OF .AURORA EN.AC'l'S .AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Samuel D. Foote be and he is hereby appointed the Inspector for the Municipal corporation of the Town of .Aurora, pursuant to the provisions of The Trench Excavators Protection Act, to enforce the terms and proviilsions of the said .Act. 2. That the said samuel D. Foote shall be paid $1.00 annually for the satisfactory and faithful performance of his duties re- quired of him under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of ~ the said .Act, the said duties to be performed by the said samuel D. Foote in conjunction with his duties required of him as engineer of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, it being understood that the remuneration of the said samuel D. Foote, as such engineer, is to cover also his duties under The Trench Excavators Protection .Act. " READ A FIRST ilND SECOND TIME THIS :2._b day of october, 19.5.5. Clerk READ A THIRD :l'IME .AND PASSED 'I'HIS 2C. day of October, 19.5.5. Clerk