BYLAW - Appoint an Assessor - 19550307 - 121855i I 1 I I 1 l ,,, . ' ~ ·,;..·) BY-LAW NUMBER !;;U g of the l\iunicipal Corporation of Town of Aurora BY-LAW TC APPOINT AN ASSESSOR FOR THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. WHEREAS it is necessary under the Municipal Act, R.s.o. l950,Chapter 243, Section 243, to appoint an assessor for the ToWn of Aurora. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT GEORGE WILKINSON be and he is hereby appointed the assessor for the Town of Aurora, for the year 1955. That the said George Wilkinson shall make the assessments and prepare the assessment rolls for the , said Town and shall perform all such other duties required vv"'~ of an assessor under and any other Act or the provisions of the Oi( Acts pf otherwise. Assessment Act, THAT the said George Wilkinson sgall be paid ~£)5 /-:.;;;, .. ~.( ~~ dollars for the satisfactory and faithful performance of his duties required of him as aforesaid, such amount to be in addition to his emoluments as a 6lerk and Treasurer of the Town of Aurora. 4. THAT any other By-law or By-laws or provisions ~ to any By-law or By-laws inconsistent with this By-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST·JHTJ? SEOQMJ TIME THISc2fDAY OF FEBRUARY, 1955. Clerk~//~