BYLAW - Amend By law 1216 - 19550411 - 122255I I ,j ; r ~ I BY-Ll!W NUMBER ~~~:t._, OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF TrlE TOWN OF jURORA ,..cD f!,'{ I f>. M t:N L' ~:.. I "": .. ~ ........ ... Bi -LA '-N NO ............ ,. .A BY-LAW TO .AMEND BY-L.AW NUMBER 1216, BEING .A BY-L.AW TO .AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $6,250.00 upon DEBENTURES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF .A SANITARY SEVJER FROM THE INTERSECTION OF COUSINS DRIVE AND WELLS STREET TO THE INTERSECTION OF EDWARD STREET ANTI D~JING .AVENUE EXTENSION. WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Town of .Aurora with the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board by Order dated the lst day of October 1954 as Number P.F.D.2134, passed By-law Number 1216 to authorize the borrowing of $6,250,00 upon debentures for the construction of a sanitary sewer from the intersection of cousins Drive and Wells street to the intersection of Edward stneet and Dunning .Av~ue extension; .AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend the said By-law Number 1216 to provide that the corporation shall issue the required debentures to bear interest at the rate of 4~ per annum instead of at the rate of 4i1o per annum as provided in the said By-law Number 1216. THEHEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR"~TION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS .AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the second recital paragraph of the said By-law Number 1216 be and the same is heE.eby amanded by striking out the figures "4!11 in the sixth line thereof and by inserting in lieu thereof the figure "4" so that the said recital paragraph shall read as follows: 2. "AND WHEREAS it is expedient to enlarge or extend the sewage system of the Corporation of the Town of .Aurora by constructing a sanitary sewer or trunk sewer from the intersection of cousins Drive and Wells Street to the intersection of Edward Street and Dunning 11venue Extension and for this purpose to borrow a sum not exceeding $6,250.00 upon the credit of the corpor- ation, to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum payable annually, and to provide for the discount and the expense incidental to the preparation and negotiation and sale of such debentures; That the said By-law Number~16 shall be and the same is hereby amended b;r striking out the words and figures i I I ), I ~ 'i ,, . ·.\~ ! t) ' . . - 2 - "four and one quarter per centum ( 4l1.f"in the fourth line of paragrapg 1 thereof and by insering in lieu thereof the words and figures "four per centum (4j.)"so that the said paragraph shall read as follows: "1. for the purpose aforesail!l there shall be borrowed upon the credit of the corporation as sum not exceeding $6,250.00 and shall issue debentures therefor in the sum of not less than $100.00 each. such debe~tures shall bear interest at the rate of four per centum (4j.) per annum payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest." That the said By-law number 1216 shall be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the figures "195511 in Wfi'·ctl the first line of paragraph 5 thereof and by inserting in lieu thereof the figures 11 1956", somthat the said paragraph 5 sliall read as follows; "5· commencing in the year 1956 and thereafter in each year in which the instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum shown for ·the respective year in the fourth column of the said Schedule "A". Such sum shall be levied and raised bya special rate sufficient therefor ovwrand above t all other rates upon all the rateable property in the municipalit~ That the said By-law number 1216 shall be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Schedule "A 11 attached thereto and by attaching or by inserting in l&eu thereof Schedule "l" attached to this By-Law. I READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS(/ DAY OF APRIL, 1955. rl Clerk THIS // DAY OF APRIL, 1955 • .e:;._u~ Mayor Clerk I I I ! I ! j ' ~ r-'""'j i i LJ Year 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 13 SCHEDULE ".A II 1-13 year 41. Debentures AilllllUal · :_; :. ' ~'·/ . Principal Interest Payinent $ 300.00 $230.00 $550.00 300.00 238.00 538.00 330.00 226.00 576.00 400.00 212.00 612.00 400.00 196.00 596.00 ~oo.oo 180.00 580.00 400.00 164.00 %4.00 400.00 148.00 548.00 400.00 132.00 332.00 400.00 n,P.oo 516.00 300.00 100.00 6oo.oo 500.00 80.00 580.00 300.00 6o.oo 560.00 300.00 40.00 340.00 300.00 20.00 320.00 $6,2)0.00 $2,162.00 $8,412.00 ,. ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD .. $n,El .. lM m MA'l'TER or an applba\i.ion ot tbe Oorporatit~:~n of tO. Town et 1\.u~l'a . tor. ap}'.I~Yf1~ ot its . p:repoee4 Jy•law l!l~m'be!' 1211, pt'()Vitilng fort a decwe.e.ae in t~t !'ate ot' S:ntereet troxn. It~· to It~ tn tl::b:e deli>enturea to be Ul!na.tltd ~d!ll:r ~tbority Qf By-law N••* 1tl6 .. ,passed. tne ?th liliity.·o·f F.e·b.·nt .. · .. · ... · .. a .. · ... ~·.···. *. a.;. S5 ·(·f..i,2SO.to.··.for ~ constTlle'ticm ot a l!Mm"tt.t.r;v aewe:r t~m the ... l~~ct.et'fili!letlon or kWidna Drive ~d .i'i(4tl.J:S S.tJ",.;;t .t,o tit!• iaterlifjJI'IIlltoteln o£ ~ward Strttet ~ htming ~!:Venue lll:tension). · J }}) MQI14ar 1 th.e Eievf.&J'lt.h day (!)t Aprtl, A. D., l9SS. ) ) IT IS ORDE1Uln11, wder an<l in pusu.atute of the hgillaW.on l'utrei~bef(iit'Eil referred te, and of anr al'l4 all other powctrs vesteii in th• Be>ari, that the eai4 proptsed By•law, be anti ~he same ie hereby app~e.dO'