BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Sanitary Sewers on Centre Street - 19540803 - 119354-I BY-LAW l'JU!I!BER of the Municipal corporation of the Town o:f Aurora BY-LAW TO .aU:RTHO lliZE ;t'HE COllS~'EUC'riON OF SALUTARY Sl.!.l'l.ERS Ol~ CEl'<'TRE STJI!Em' l!ll.OlE: SPR!JCE GT:REET TO IDHGE S1'REET AIID TO W.VE 01l:HTRE STREET . .B'E01I SPRUCE STRJ!:Jill!' TO IDHGlll\J STlBET as a local improvement under the :provisions o:f The Local Improvement Act. HREilliAS at least two-thi!'ds in number of the owners representing at least one hal:f o:f the value of the lots liable to be specially assessed and others have petitioned the council to construct, as a local improvement, 'ohe work hereinafter descx·ibed,_ and the Clerlc has certified that the Petition is sufficient, AUD Willil-m::AS it is expedient to grant the prayer of the petition in manner hereinafter provided. 1. •J.:fut;l-iEEOliE :cHli; I·IJlUCIP.Alj COUHCIL 01? S.'l{1~ CORJ.:OHA~IOl~· 01? 1:1Hg :!.1 0\~W OF .AUBOlU\ Eli.ACTS AS EOLLOWS: That sani ta:ry sewers, having a sectional area o:f nine inches, ·v ~ be constructed on ·o.\'Wtre Street from s-pruce' street to Yonge Street a distance of '45o' feet and that Centre StJ:'ee;t be paved f"rom liJ;Prmce StJ:'Bet TO Yonge street as I, ' _,, . local '!mpl:'ovements (on petition) under t~: p1uvisions of ~!he Local Imr,.rovement t~~ Acto 0 .z. That l1l6SSl's. Proctor, hed:fel:'n & Laughlin be and they al:'e hereby appointed the li;ngiUeers .to :forthwith make such :pla.'1s, pro:files and specifications and fUJ:'nish such information as may he necessary for the making o:f a contJ:'act :top the execution of the said· work. So · 2!h?-t the_ WO:J;'k shall be ca.J:"r ied on and executed under the superintend-\~ ance and according to the directions and orders of such engineers:- 4. ~'hat the Jlfi;yor and Olerk are authorized to cause a contract for tlle construction of the work to be made and entered into with some· pel:'son or persons, firm or corporation, subject to the ~~roval of this Council to he declared by Ilesolutiono 5. The Treasurer may agree with any bank or person :for eraporary advances\·"" of money to meet the cost. of the work panding the completion of ito 6. • -2 - I I 7. The debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to p8lf for the cost of the work when completed shall bear interest at such rate as the Council may determine and be made payable within twenty years on the instalment plan • s. .any person whose lot is specially assessed may commute for a pay:n1e11t in cash the special rates imposed thereon by paying the portion of the cost of construction assessed upon such lot, without the in',erest, forthwith after the Apecial Assessment Holl has been certified by the Olen<:, and at any time thereafter by the PBlfiaent of such sum as when invested at four 1oercent per annum v;ill provide a.n annuity sufficient to pay the special rates :t:or the un- expired portion of the term as they fall due. Read a first and Second time this-/ tf day of April, 1954. rJayor Read a third time this S ~­~ Clerk fl .. _p~. day~, 1954. clerk f· ... f:: ON:I'ARIO , THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ' P.F. 0--(fl. Z.,. TORONTO. I 6 /"95-l. Y"""CEIVED d,_ I ,~';g! FROM _ ___,/.:...:~~'----c--t'f---"-'tJUtt/)='-''-"0'"1:.._:_:P(-'---·---- THE SUM OF ---;OLLARS --------~ ft~d 21f~~~ 100 w: {;{, ~,-, ·. . .. . 7 ·~sssa $ /(9 . .-:f CuRRENCY~ CHEQ·t~......-, M.O. 'OR P.N.--"'·'o..' -'---- THE ONTARll~lJN~l~AL 80~~~ _ .. ~-----~--=--~:_:·:f) ~6.:':c~f[~ii~~~~~~~::c;':·~,~~';::~.~~L~~-~c;:;' . ·-·-···--··-. ··.,g,, ... ,,. ---F:t~~J-.' LORNE C. LEE, Q, C. !!!jXjljX~ Milo G8Qrge WUklnson, 01erk, !l!QW!l of AUrora, AUlilBA, On.t • BARRISTERS, SOLICI'TORS, NOTARIES AURORA, ONTARIO TELEPHONE PARKVIEW 7-496! september 7th, 1~64. Rea PrOposed Oawta.l ~elidit'q.re o:t $9,aoo.oo tor sewers ani P.av!!l!l~ .. ~"': 9ffitr.!! street. · · »:loloaecl please .. tilld. the dll.pl~cite' orig1n&l. .. ot tliii {f~er . at the •. on:t~o :~Dmieipal BQS.iod,, issued as of JUly 23rcl, 1964. ·I ju!tt received this Order on saturdaY last. . .. LOL:~d EDOlo ·\ .. : .-... · -----'-""'"-·-----------------~------·········--·-----:---' ---------- ' '.-.· .. :.- I ~ • '. Jih 19l!i2 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ltl 1118 Mi\11~11\ ti!i't ., . .,· . ' . . S~llft~~;~n 61. of "W~t l\/At.~~ ~tkt:pfl4 ••• .. ·.~d A~~" (Jt .• s •. o. l.9~., .ehaptflr a~J. ' -' ·-' lettt.~;Jn )ti$ ft.). (),t #l'hlil •iei~l. !otlf fih$*0. 19SO, Chapt$:~> 14.lh •. ... lillll.t ... a. L, l\enl'l.eii:t, J,!em•eli"•· I ' ~oar, '~" l!3rcl tt:ay i>f 4~y I A... :Iii. , . 19S4. tW I.$ ORUDlltllit . 1QIIie:r im!il U JU~l'\tli.,.ee. ef . . ' . ' . ' . . . ' ' ' -' . " .-. an.d a;,..l. ~ther pOlRt:rll! "'"'e!il b t•h• t•.ar~tt, tb,-1!. ~· . " -.. ' . ' said: applietat!•n ~~.•d~e ..... , .. ;., her.by~,,~~·•• and thlf:t •• sat« ~tq!pal;lt;y may AlliW PF•'~••.,fw£1111 ' . ' . the nJi(;l •d•t'futll:inm ami t'ot> ••oh PlJ•~t• ., · o .. t/.ri!liet . . -;-' ·. .. ' hl'ther "-•" nGt exttuaclin&: :lme. wat~ ~~~.mGU.t, Q..t may ptl$1 an J'e.fl{uf.s1te 'IJ,..lanll!. tql"4inm •r-l.aw$ ---~ -----'-------~---------~----------~--------... ·· · jt'ivlilqt&i' the iliii.lu9 ~~ itlll••'"rea r$payab:t• over a ten. llil>t ••ttl!ltl~a; t!~~-ytlllir$~il