BYLAW - Extend Edward St. - 19540920 - 120754' L~-·'-i~~ THE CORPOR.~TION OF THE TOWN OF .AURORA t 1 BY-L.ilW m:tmER ~.? ~ .. ": . . . I~ 0 1 BEING A BY-L.i\W TO EXTEND EDWARD STREET FROM COUSINS DRIVE TO THE E1.'TENSION EASTERLY OF DUNNING AVEDllJE. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of The MUnicipal .Act, municipalities may pass by-laws for establishing and laying out highways. Alv.D WHEREAS the municipality has obtained a conveyance of the land required for extending Edward Street from cousins Drive to the extension Easterly of Dunning Avenue~ AND Wl~RE.AS the provisions of The Municipal Act have been complied with in respect to the extending of the said Edw!J.rd street. NOW THEREFDRE the Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1. THAT ALL .AND SINGUL.i\R that certain parcel of tract of X''-'"' (, _---1 ~,; land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora. / in the county of York, being composed of Part o;t: Lot 178 as shown on a plan filed in the Registry Office for the north riding of the county of York as number 246 1 and which said par~l is more part- icularly described as follows. COl~CING at a stake planted in the southerly limit of Cousins Drive where it is intersected by a line drawn at right angles from the north-easterly intersection of cousins Drive and Edward Street as shown on a plan filed in the said Registry Office as number 332. THENCE South 13 degrees 17 minutes East • six hundred and twenty- five feet (625') more or less to a stake planted in the Easterly production of the northerly limit of Dunning Avenue as shown on a (!"'!"\\ ~;.;· plan filed in the said Registry Office as number 369, THENCE south 73 degrees .54 minutes West along the said production of' Dunning Avenue, sixty:..six feet one inch ( 6611 11 ) to a stake. THENCE North 13 degrees 17 minutes West t six hundred and twenty~ f'i ve f'e.et ( 62.51 ) more or less to a stake in the southerly limit of' said Cousins Drive distant sixty-six feet one inch (6611 11 ) measured westerly thereon ~ thereon from tlm place of' beginning. '--1{Y), THENCE North 74 degrees 03 minutes East along the southerly limit :~. of said cousins Drive, sixty-six feet one inch (66'1") to the place G of' beginning, le established and laid out as a highway bearing the name "Edward street"• Read a first and second time this ~ day of September, 19.54. Mayor Read a third time september. 19.54. Clerk day of