BYLAW - Strike the Rates for the Year 1954 - 19540607 - 118854,,...., .... ,,
BY-LAW liJUlill3:&1
of the ],[Unicipal corporation of the
BY-LAW TO STRIKE THE ll.aTliS IH 'J:llli TOWU OF .J.URORti l<DR 'f•l:[i:: Yl:Wl. 1954.
VIH&Rf'e.AS estimates have been prepared showing that the S11lll o:f
zy)J.91,900.00 is required to be raised :for ~Ghe lawful purposes o:f the Corpol·-
ation o:f tho Town o:f Aurora :for year 1954.
J;l'J]) ';'/Bl:F.EAS there is required to be raised :for special purposes
the S11lll of ;i ~9' ~I
Improvement .Act ;
for the sewerage debentures under the Local
.IJ.IID W:ffEREAS the total assessable property within the Corpol·ation
· . rs is as follows: Land :;~"o:l, o;t~. Buildings :;,; I, 7<><~-; 'ii\'-5'"· b'Usiness $,.2o'!.. ''~-('
AlJ.ROl~l E.1.Ul0 1J:S AS FOLLO\VS:
Cl.'here shall be struck, rated,. levied and collected upon the
assessable land, buildings and business assessment the following rates:
Public School
High School District
County Pul•poses
Town Current Expenditures
\1:44, s4o .zg,
There shall be struck, rated, levied and collected, a ~urther
special rate per :foot frontage to raise the sum of :,P 8o2"J. ;;-t, to cover the
ratepayers• shm•e of the cost o:f the Corporation's sewerage system, such rate
to be in accordance with the rates and against the properties decided by the
Court of' Revision held for such purposes and the Collector• s .doll shall provide
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• -~ -
one half of the said rates shall become due and be paid bn or
before the 12th day of JUly 1954, and the balance or other half of the said
rates shall become due and be paid on or before the 12th day of October, 1954.
The Treasurer is hereby authorized to receive on account of the
said rates, payments in advance of the days fixed for the :payn1ent of either
instalment thereon and that there shall be allowed a discount on the whole or
any portion of the first instalment of the taxes so :paid in ad.vance of the
12th day of July, :j.954, one half of one percentum and that there shall be
allowed a discount on the whole or any :portion of the second instalment of
taxes so :paid in advance of the 12th day of October,l%4, one half of one
J<l dC.'j!!o
:percentum for each full ~1 that the said instalment or portion thereof is\~'\ .
paid prior to the 12th day of October, 1954.
That there be imposed, as a penalty, a percentage charge of one-
half of one pe1•centura fOl' non-payment of' the taxes o:r any instalment thereof
on the first day of' default and on the first day of each month thereafter in
which o.efault continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes\~·
That the statutor,r penalty and interest shall be charged on all of
are levied.
the rates not paid on the 31st day of December, 1954, and such penalty and
interest shall be levied and collected by the 0ollecto:c or ~·reasurer as if the
same has been originally imposed and formed part of· the said rate.
~·he 01erk shall prepare and deliver the Gollector• s roll to the
Collector on or before the 12th day of July 1954.
That the collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed
the notices provided for by oection 109 of the ~ssessment act. to the addresses
of the residences or places of b11iliness of the persons to whom such notices are
:required to be given.
That the Collector shall, if any instalment of taxes remains unpaid
for more than fourteen days from the date provided for payment thereof, f'orthwi th
- 3 -
<\,:T;) proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the
Statute in that behalf, all such taxes, so in default, together with the
percentage thereon imposed for a default.
That the Collect or shall return to the :.:rea surer on or before
"" the f day of M. 1955 and f'urnish the Treasurer trereupon, all
such statements of taxes unpaid a:nd otherwise as are required by ~he
Assessment Act.
PJ£AD A FIJ:1S~f.1 AI~]) SECOii[D TIMl~ THE 7 day of June, 1954
/i""~ Olerlc
day of June, 1954.