BYLAW - Provide for the 1954 Expenditures on Roads or Streets - 19540215 - 117854BY-LAW NO. 112 l . PROVIDE FOR THE 1954 EXPENDITURE ON ROADS OR STREETS IN OF AURORA IN THE ~ OF _Y_O_RK ____ ·--~~~S under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for e on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the l>Unister for approval, R~~~~~~~~ the expenditure for the said purpose~st year was .· •••••• , •• , which required a levy of #1 .... ,, mills on the of $~.399.;1.041-#. 00.......... "~7?· "<'·~ . the Council of the Corporation of the said Town/~mMa~ s to expend for the ~aid .purpose this year $28.,:786-DD., •••• ,, •• for it is pre:g_ared, to 8 1evy an estimate of .ll'itli::JS •.•• mills on the , ~~:e11sm·ent of $i'.59.!3.l!-). ,pp,........ , 1·'\t THEREFORE tne Council of the Corporation of the said Town/~ lB.Cts as follows:- ;) The sum of $28,786.00 is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure on construction and maintenance of the roads or streets under its jurisdiction during the year 19 54 as follows: ROADS & STREETS .JNSTRUCTION ••••••••••••••••• $ 14,786,00 :AI.--ENANCE, ••• , • , .,.~. , •• , , • • • $ l4, 000 ·SJ~O __ _ T 0 T A L S $ 28,786.~0 BRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL $. _____ $ 14,786.00 - $ . $ 14,~00,00 # ~:~ ,lb......,==== $ 28,786.00 / .2) The said moneys shall be expended on work performed in' accordance with The Hignway I~provement Act. 3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. Passed at__;A;.:;u:;:;r::..;o:.:r:..;:a;__--:----""'t.)l.is l5J:F____da..)l--of Errua!..:-Y _____ A.D. 19 54 AJ.»PRf'»'VED I