BYLAW - Lease Part of Lot 4 - 19540607 - 118954BY-LAW lWb!BER of the Municipal Corporation of the ~OWN OE' .il.U'.il.OM on the South side of Mosley Street ,according to l'lan lfumber 68 for the !i.'own of Aurora. WHEREAS it is expedient to lease to the 1\urora &blic Library Board the property now used by that Board. AURORA ElUlC~S AS :FDLLOWS: lo That the lvlunicipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora lease to the Aurora Public Library Board the Hortherly part of Lot 4 on the South side of Mosley street according to Plan Iifumber 68 for the Town of Aurora, being property now used by the Aurora Public Ll bl'ary Board, at a yearly rental of '?600.00 in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Indenture of Lease dated the 15th day of' January 1954, and that the Mayor and clerk be and they are hereby authorized and direct to execute and deliver to the said :Che Aurora :public Library Board the said Indenture of Lease. " !:{E.i\D A 1'IHST AlW SECOHD Till!lE THIS 7 lJ.i\Y UP JUNE, 1954. -4.4"~- Clerk READ A THIRD TII;ii£ i>liD PASSED THIS 7 1/. llA y 0 p JU1~.1;, 19 54 0 ' Clerk