BYLAW - Authorize Application for Annexation - 19540920 - 120254• ('-, \~) () BY.,..LAW NUMBER '.i·:l·n'"). of the Corporation of the Town of Auro,ra TO AUTHORIZE AN APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO liiDJNICIPAL BOARD FOR ANNEXATION OF PART OF TEE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH AND OF PART OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KING. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to make an application to The ontario Municipal Board to have part of the municipality of the Township of Whitchurch and part of the municipality of the Township of King annexed to the municipality of the Town of Aurora~ AND Wn.ilJ:IEAS the form of the proposed application to The Ontario Municipal Board has been settled and is set forth in the draft application hereunto annexed. The council of the Corporation of the Tov~ of Aurora THEREFORE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1. That the application of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora to The ontario Municipal Board to have part of the municipality of the Township of Whitchurch and part of the municipality of the Township of King as described in the said draft application hereunto annexed to the municipality of the Town of Aurora be and the same is hereby authorized. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign the engrossment of the sa1d proposed application and to affix to it the corporate seal of the municipality. READ A FIRST :ftNI:l ~QNB TIME THIS Mayor READ A THIRD TL'I'IE AlilD PASSED TliiS rJ!a.yor 0) rl o<o DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 19.54. Clerk DAY OF Clerk 19.54.