BYLAW - Appoint an Assessor - 19540607 - 118654BY-LAW l'IDMBElt of the Municipal Corporation of the TOWN OP AUIDllA BY-LAW :1:0 APPOINT AN ASSESSOB tOft 'l'HE MlliUCIPAL C.'OBPOHil'l'IOlif 03' 'l'HE TOWH 0:B 1 11. UI-DRA. WHEREAS it is necessary under the 11Unicipal .act, R.s.o. 1950, Chapter 243, Section 243, to appoint an .assessor for the '.l!o,va of t.urora. OF AURORA ENACTS .AS FDLLO';IS: THAT GEJRJ.E VIILKH<SOH be and he is hereby appointed the . .Assessor~~· for the Town of .Aurora, for the year 1954. z. ·i'HAT the said George Wilkinson shall make the assessments and pre- pare the assessment rolls for the said. To>va and shall perform all such other duties required of an .ilssessor under the provisions of :llhe Assessment Act, and '1'{\• any other .act or Acts of otherwise. ~ THAT the said George Wilkinson shall be paid Five Hundred .lJOllars {\~500.00) for the satisfactory and fai thf'.Al performance of his duties required of him as aforesaid, such &~ount to be in addition to his emolUlllents as a clerk \~· m -• ~own of Aurora. .... · -·--·-and Treasurer of the 4. THA'i' any other By-law or By-laws or provisions to any By-law or \~ By-laws inconsistent with this by-law are hereby repealed. . t:tEAD A l!'IEST AH.D SECOl'lD TIMg THIS ·; .. .!JAY VI' Jlllm, 1954, Clerk cleric