BYLAW - Appoint a Director of the Aurora Recreation Commission - 19540621 - 119154'· .. -.. ·.
·---·. A !' : ·,
BtoOLAw mp: / 11;
of the Jemioip&l. Oorpo:re.Uen ot the
!I!OWll ot Aurora.
WHE!lE4S the Aurora .Recreation Oommission ha.s enge.ged Jack . -· ~ -~ -
B.obins021 as the Recreation .uirector as o:f the 19th cia¥ ot JUly, 1954, ' ~ ,. ' ~
al'ld bas requested the appointment o:f the.,said Jack Robinson as the
:Recreation Dl:rector o:f the !!!own o:f Aurora,
TOWl'l OF AUlK>l!A ·. ENAO!I!S AS :roLLOWS 1 . ~. -. . -' ' --
lo ~t Jaok: Rob.inson. b~ and is hereby a;ppointed di:rector o:f
the Aurora Reoreation Oommission.
a. !l!hat the said Jack Robinson shall per:tbl'.lll all duties which
are u~ly required o:f a di:rector o:f a .community .Recreation commission
and in parti oular to submi:ll ;plans to thes$&id o~Vion fb r a collllll1mi t;v
;prog1'811111le o:f trSiniDg in pb¥s1cal :fitness a:ad recreation of ;persons in
the oOIDIIIIll1ity and to direct programmes o:f traini:ag al'ld recreation s;po:a.-\.:-\\,
sorecl by the said Oommission. ·~
a. ! the duties o:f the said Jack RobillSOn shall be snsider~"'<\'
as S• f~lll\.fr,f7V"'&J on July 19th, 1954. . . \
4. !l!bat the said Jack liDbinsen shall be paid fQr the ta1 thful
;psrtormauce o:f his duties, aforesaid, th~ SUlll o:f !rb.l'ee !l!housand Five~,
~ed DOllars, payable \l),uJil~ • \
~ead a :first and secoui tim'
the .J.t day of ~ .e.. D., 1954
.Read a third time and ;passed
the:l/ day of ~
~ ..... .
A.D., 1954
.~ .. 6(.~