BYLAW - Amend By law 939 - 19540215 - 117954J·"-... ~- f \ REPEALED, SEE BY-LAW NO . ...... -.... ~ .............. . BY-LAW NUMBER, It 7'f of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora A BY-L.AW TO lllVIEl-!u BY-LAW NWillER 93 9, AS A!lulii'JDED BY BY-LAWS :lli'UMBER 962, 1076, 1127 and 1169, BEING A BY-LAW TO REGULATE TRAFFIC ON liiGJ:l.W~\YS WIT!:IIN 'I'HE l'ITIJNICIPAL OORPOR.A'riON Oll' THE TOWN OF AURORA. w:FJEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deem it expedient to further amend the said By-law Number 939 to regulate traffic in the Town of Aurora. THEREJroRE 'IHE MUNICIPAL OOUNCII. OF 'IHE CORPORATION OF TJ:IE TOWN OF AURORA EN.ACTS .AS FOLWWS: 1. That subsection 2 of section 4 of Part lll_of By-law-Number 939, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended. by adding the follow:lng paragraph thereto; "On the North side of centre Street from Yonge Street to Spruce Street" so tbe said subsection shall read as follows; "{2) In specified Places where Signs on display When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display, no per son shall park a vehi ole in emy of the following places: Within fifty feet of any intersection on any through highway. Within twenty•fi ve feet of the lot on which a fire hall is located on that side of the street on which such fire hall is located or w1 thin .one hundred feet of such lot oo the opposite side of said street. on the east side of Yonge Street from the North limit of Lot 1, according to Plan 9 fer the Town of Aurora, to the North limit of Kennedy Street East. On the North side of Wellington Street East from the extension Northerly in a straight line of the Westerly limit at Victoria Street westerly to the oommencemen t of the meters. On the West side of Yonge Street North from the Nor tl.l --. _j ----~--~·) I ' / ' • • limit of Lot 16 according to Plan 246 for the Town of Aurora ·~o the southwest earner of Irwin Ave. and Yonge street. On the West side of Yong e Street South fran the North limit of Lot 1 acccr ding to plen 9 for the Town o:f .Atll'ora to the Northwest corner of Kennedy Street West. On the North side of Centre Street from Yonge Street to S:pru ce Street. n 2. That this By-law,,:SM.ll take effect on it receiy;ing third reading and on it being ap:pro'!Ted by the Department of Highways of Ontario. ,( Read a first and second time this /~ day of February, 1954. clerk Read a third time and passed this/!~ day of February, 19,54. ' clerk • Approved this 16th day of March 1954 pursuant to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.