BYLAW - Amend By law 1182 - 19540607 - 118754BY-LAW l'lUJviBJE:R II 17 of the Municipal Corporation of the ~~ BY-LAW TO .lJJ:lJ!;:l'ID BY-LAW NUMBER 1182 BY REPEALIHG ~'HE G;>t'lli:HilL LEVY LLIWS, AS COJ.iP'.E.tJ.Il;r:E.D THEH.Eil~o Wl:!E:-l.EitS By-law l,tunber 1182 is a by-law to consolidate into one debenture by-law the amounts required to be borrowed under By-laws liumbers 1079, 1166 and 1138,all of which by-laws contain a general levy clause. AND WHEREAS By-law Humber 1182 also contained a general levy by-law and it is deemed expedient to repeal the general levy cilaure as contained in the said By-law IiiulJlber 1182. THE.iEFOl:lE THE OOUHOIL 01? THE OORroRATIOH Ol,' THE TOV£f O.b' AURORA ENACTS AS IDLLOW.3: 1. That Paragra:ph.5, as contained in By-law l~be:r 1182, is and the srune is hereby repealed. 7 MY OF JUNE, 1954. ~W.yor -v· m:m A THIED TiliCi -~1lf.D PASSED THIS Clerk ) .ilAY 01'' JuN.:!;, 1954. Clerk /·,•'-""'\ \..;,_,<.>)