BYLAW - Obtaining of Temporary Advances - 19530302 - 115153(i w. "" ...... \V L.F. 11 Dec. 1931 0NT. I l\llun_icip,al By-Law for Tempora:ry Advances~ under-l<>"cal Improvement Act~ 5770-Printed In Canada BY-LAW No ......... ll;iL .. , ... ..---;:-a "-r . t~ A BY-LAW authorizing the obtaining of temporary advances to meet the cost of certain works · t pending the completion thereof. · WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Al;i..rora has passed Construction By-law Number 1150 , copy of which is annexed hereto, authorizing the construction of the works described in it xscx ~~~:li::lma:ld:J:i~Dif:J::the estimated· cost of which works is$ 7275.00 AND WHEREAS it is desirable to agree with a bank for temporary advances to meet the cost.of the said works pending the completion thereof. · · BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the said Council as follows: 1. The .Head and Treasurer of the Corporation are hereby authorized to obtain from the ~ank of Montreal temporary advances at a rate or rates not exceeding 41;: per cent per annum represented by a promissory note or promissory notes or by way of overdraft or otherwise notexceeding Seven thousand two hundred and seventy five - - - .. - - _ -dollars to meet the cost of the said. works pending the completion thereof. · 2. A promissory note or notes or other vouchers, sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Head and Treasurer thereof, for.the advances from time to tirmr obtained under the authority hereof and interest thereon, may be given to the said Bank pro11iding for the repayment of or representing the said, advances with interest thereon as aforesaid. · · . 3. The Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to apply first in paym~nt of such advances with interest thereon as aforesaid all moneys borrowed on th red it of the Col-poration to repay such advances and to defray i~e cost of the said works and I m from·other sources properly applicable to the cost of the said works. ' Passed by the said Council this 2nd (Mayor or Reeve as the case may be.) Clerk. I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a By-law passed by the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the of on the day of 19 and that the paper~writing hereto annexed is a true copy of Construction By-law Number. passed by the said Council on the day of 19 ~ . C\ v· ···~····················································:···.····c~k.····· -~--' ·•· ' ...... 1-.. _~----· . . . . . ;: ONTARIO ....... I "·' •. th .• 90#a ' ' P _·'lQ. lifllt!S ~.t ·~-• ttatd t:lorpmt.t.,.•• it•11w IWIIb$:1' Uf? • , . ·. . ... ·. , ' w. I •. ~::!!&.:;;:;.: -~;.. ....... · ~-·1 a_ , u...., ...... "''"'ll1 ...... . ·* u ... .,.... . , ...... ~. . . ..... )/'~ .... ,, ~-~ea1;J"'lili~--UY ot 4~~tt•t• A. » •• l~S4• . ' •J;!• ' ~. \ !_ '' ' . m ••• · ~·~•~* ••)~'. tM. ,. •·••• tJt thtl*'.Ula-.-.~ hUft ... M,... "ttl\~ ~t;, -.4 ot ·•1 ·~ ·~~ ttler .,..nl'J!I u••• t• •-• ioal'<l,, that 1-. atf.l. OH_. .titfJ!I -.·· ~ . .._, <:rt. -~:t;, ~9$ih 'b. u4 thct . ' ' ,· ....... ', ',' . •• te ~\y.a.«•i·'U' ~Wflae"'i_,, -att#t~ ttHJ.·. i!l~.,q #1\t.J$• •aa ..... 'bt :l)' .. la• ~.,._ Uf't, ~~--~ );-~.itt A,...tt,.A,. ~.,.t9A~,tt~-tht-rt•t~,u4 t.ty .. k~•n~ .. -.·~-••• ~·· i)Ja• wori .·.''"''"· ..... tltt ... , ..... •1·--~ ' ' '• ·. ~·\ ,,_. . l ' • LORNE C. LEE, B.A., LL.B .. 'ifil~. ~<~Jiil:t<tt-, 2!1t~. _¢±.t. AURORA, ONTA~IO Mro George ~liU:inson, Clerk, Town of Jl.urora, .AUBORA, ant • Dear Mro Wilkinson; lie: Wellington ::stree By..,law No• 1150 I am enclosing herewith duplicate originals of the Orders of The Ontario ~cipal Board approving our application for authority to proceed with and to raise :i.\71275 for the construction of a trqnk sewer on Wellington street west a)ld south across Lot 27 according to Plan 246 and approving of the By-law Number 1140. I also enclose the Board's voucher covering the fees of $26.oo. LOL/il.Co ',-- . ,-...