BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers on Hillview road - 19530504 - 116053BY-LAW liDMBJB:B. of the MUnicipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora BY-LAW TO AUTHU.a!ZE 'fllli COW:i:l!ruCTIOl~ OF SAlH'l'Ali.Y AUD STOlffi! SJ>IVE.l>d OU HILLVI!!.W ROAD, .!!OJ:l:JIERLY LEPPER ti:J.'lllib.'T, .i!ROM i'HE Mt:iTliliLY LIMIT O.l!' LOT 77 TO THl> WEt:iTli.RLY 1IMI:J: OJ!' LO'l' 59, ACCOliDllW TO PLA1~ 30, .l!Oli THE i'0\11J OJ!' AURORA, A DIS1'iU~CE OF .l!'EET, ·As A LOCAL IMP.ROVEiilE.NT UNDER 'J:ll.E .Pli!Vll:l.l0l18 0.1>' THE LOCAL HilPROVEME.l'li' ACT. WHEREAS at least two-thirds in number of the owners representing at least one half of the value of the lots liable to be specially assessed and others have petitioned the Council to construct, as a local improvement, the work hereinafter described, and the Clerk has certified that the .Petition is sufficient. .AND WHEREAS it is expedient to grant the prayer of the Petition in manner hereinafter provided. ~'HEREJlUHE THE MJJlHCIPAL COUNCIL OE' 1'HE CC.REO.RA!J.'lO.N U.b' THE TOI'fl~ O.l!' AUROllA ENACTS AS .bOLLOWS: l. That sanitary sewers, having a sectional area of eight inches, be constructed on hillview ll.oad, formerly Lepper Street, from the ~sterly limit of Lot 77 to the westerly limit of Lot 59, according to Plan 30, for the Town of Aurora, a distance of feet, and that private sewer connection: therewith be constructed as local improvements (on petition) under the provisions of The Local ~rovament Act. 2. That a storm sewer or drain be constructed on Hillview .i;(Oad, fo:cnarly Lepper street, from the Easterly limit of Lot 77 to the westerly limit of Lot 59, according to Plan 30, for the :rown of Aurora, a distance of feet, as a local imProvement under the provisions of fhe Local Improvement Act. That Messrs • .Provtor, lle<ifern & Laughlin be and they are hereby appointed the Engineers to forthwith make such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish such information as may be necessary for the making of a contract for the execution of the said work. 4. •.rhe work shall be carried on and executed under the superintendance and according to the directions and orders or such engineers. 5. :t•he M!Lyor and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract for the con- I \ ~~····.··· ·, -.··· I I -2 - struction of the work to be made and entered into with soiue person or :persons, firm or corporation, subject to the approval of this council ~<.... · to be declared by Resolution. s. The Treasurer may agree with any bank or person for temp- orary advances of money to meet the cost of the work pending the complet io11 ~G. of it. . flAd.n 7. lll.e special assessment. shall be paid by twenty annual in- stalments. s. The debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to pay for the cost of the work when completed shall bear interest at such rate as the council may determine and be made payable within i:J:f!:-:-; years 4 on the instalment plan. Any person whose lot is specially assessed may commute for a payment in cash, the special rates imposed thereon by paying the portion of the cost of construction assess·ed upon such lot, without the interest, forthwith after the special assessment roll has been certified by the Clerk, 1f" ' and at any time thereafter by the payment of suCh sum as when invested at :per annum will provide an annul ty sui'fic ient to pa,y the special rates for the unexpired portion of the term as they fall due. Read a first and second ti his cJ/ ~ay of July, 1952o ~· c~ ''~~1 Read a third final y passed this '-( da,y o~ 1952. _. 01srk • • ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD x.w nm W~'fi'J:lt 011 ~ection $7 nt ·~.llf· (jn~lll:li'i~ ~~ioipal ~oar« Ac~h (Ri;itl~O• l~~l lll,a;pt~"' J.t6i}; a.e.otion )0~ hH . 9f tt'lfh.~.t. Muni~Jp~l btu (R.;I.h0• l.~$0; Glulpt~r ~{t-')1* •an«..,. ··· li 'i'H!l: ~~. tif . ~··· awUt;l!ltl~ l>E tb~ Q!4J.~:ra ... ·.· .. li:l;:on.··. · ... \11 .. f... · th.· •'. '\l.'{m\. · .. '.!'!<··· :. o .. ··f... ..4~ ... · .. ·· ... ·.·.~ .. ·.·. J'Olf eutborl..t)' t.r.t ~*' 'i!Jith a:n<t ~o l"ats~ t•~~~.,. t~·tt thi!t -~lllt:to~<lt>4<>rr J#f (UiJl'1Hd.n l~tal, DIPrOV~f> ~l'~$. hm P$\1.~~01'1}, $$ ••t forth tn Jil!hed\11¢ 'r'.p,tt at.)aO~ l\•ht.Q. · j ,.,, , hnday-, the Ut.h Cl;a:y Qf Aprtl, A~ ~.; 1f$) •. l'l' IS f)RD-it l.U'lde:r &~:nd. b PJU'Il~Mil!t of' the le&i~ati<!t~ taret:nbdl').-ili ~1!1fftrell ~.: S!.Q4. ~t~ll any $$1 al.l t'ith•.~· ~rli v••t.$<1 in ~he lo!ird• tJ.tat. the a!dd appU .• t:·ion. be ·en:d t.ht·s~ ill hi.,.~ appt~1t!Ml, . an~ that the Mlllni~>ipalht !J!Itf n~ pt'~flf!!d Wllth the ~$~ uniiertalelng ~ for lillil.eh ~-~·• llia\1 e~nt$et iU.rther ll.el:!tc not ~'*iltlll~~~ th'e ll!litd: ~u:at.. . . . ~J:ml 1!141 p!l\ea tlll.' req.lilh;tt.e ~y .. Iaw, lnelwtln:$ . by .. la.wa ~WWilib~; t_. the tliaue q,f dll!\l&nt~•• repayable ov~r a.. teil"l!1 net !ltx,ee~ing t!tt•en yel.l'$J• ~-~~. .• \ l "\ .. ... ~c~•>J, -; • .L P- ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD s.m ad'Ul.e 11/l," 'lo 'the ~ta~1t¥ Muiqipal ~~~· J Ord.or l!!ltlild 1\h,e •~• ;&•U· iii~ , . ~ .. , , · ...... ·• · .... · · ....... · · .. · .·· · ·· .. , Q&t!m!'%&oltft · a .. iant.tur f3p•r ~-Hi:l.l'rt4Yiif M.~., .. (lt<fi!'lll!!fr~t L&J:~lf!$.-. li'IW" .. -.. ... >, ~· m. Lor;l:.lllt 11 to W. t.L$t ,,., a., .it~ .I!Je-.e1t ~n BJ,:t:tv~.Jnt IQ!!id:, .~· I, L •.• . Lot 11 'tiliJ W,; :£..,, ~\ fft )..,. :Pnvate fi!..Wr !l}omMtlltl• ' I(•~ . '