BYLAW - Appoint a Member of the Board of Health - 19530112 - 114253of the MUnicipal corporation of the BY-LAW 'l'O iiP.tOIN.r il l'li!!:Mlli!:li Ob' '!Illi BOAltD O~· ll.EiiLTB. Ob' YO.fiK QHJN7B.J5AL:Cli mnT; iV!fr;RE;aS the council of the Jil:tu.nicipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora is required to appoint one member to the Board of Health of York county Health unit. NOW '.L'HJili15~.t(E !!!lili MUNICIPAL OOONCIL U.i!' 'l'lil!: GO.t(pQHATlO.N Ob' ~·Jili TOW.N O.l!' A@OltA ENACTS .!IS bULLO\l'S: 1. That Yfl..JU: u...e, ~ be and he is hereby appointed the member from the !Wmicipal corporation of the Town of Aurora to the BOard of Health of YOrk County Health Unit during the year 1953. <r1 .tiEAD A .t!1J:iliT MID SECOlW !!!lME: THIS (::( day of January, 1953. clerk " liEAD A t.tillill :tliill!; A.ND PASSJ>D '.rHIS . ( ;( day of January, 1953. Clerk •