BYLAW - Strike the Rates for the Year 1952 - 19520505 - 112652BY-LAW 1IDMBN1 I I J-' ' of' the Municipal Corporation of' the Town o f' Aurora • A BY-LAW :1'0 S"£RIKE :L'Illi HATES Il'l 1'HE TGNN OF AUROHA HlR THE YEAR 1952o V/.HEHEAS estimtes have been prepared showing that the sum of' $143,160.47 is re<Fired to b,e raised for t re lawful purposes of' the Corporation of' the :J.'OWil of' Aurora for the year 1952; AND WHEREAS there is required to be raised for special purposes tbe sum of' $6,274.13 for sewerage debentures under Th:l Local Improvements Act; AliD \VHEfillAS the total assessable property within the Corporation is as follows: Land $598,103.76, Buildings $1,696,820.00 and Business $212,309.50; THEffiFORE TEE MUNICIPAL CCUHCIL OF THE CORPOBIITIOH OF THE :LDWiJ-OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: There shall be st ruclr, rated, levied and collected upon the assessable land buildings and business assessment the following rates: EJJJCAT I OI~ Pllblic School High school District High school District Debentures TOWU PliRPOSES County Levy Debentures: Disposal Plant Disposal Syst.em (New and. Old F.J.oating Debt Arena Administrative Office Insurance Upkeep of Property Grants :j$32,964.66 13,603.37 8!;:868.19 yV .U ') -1 r&· ~55,436.22. 12,216.25 4,141.27 2,203.29 r:3)3,261.00 \ ____ . ./ 4,737.50 7,100.00 2,850.00 1,700.00 4,500.00 2,427.31 MILLS 13.0760 5.3960 3.5177 21.9897 4.8457 1.6427 .8739 1.2935 1.8792 2.8613 1,1305 .5744 1.7850 .9598 -2- Planning Board Protection to Persons & Property Street Lighting Roads, Highways and streets Health and saltation Disposal Plant Expenses Disposal System Expenses Recreation Commission Expanses Relief' Lass Estimated amount recoverable from Arena operations $ 800.00 .3284 9,975.00 3.9556 3,600.00 ·1.4390 15,000.00 5.9600. 7,450.00 2.9652 2,Soo.oo 1.1207 3,100.00 1.3387 2,500.00 .9927 2,100.00 .8430 ~ $335;695.68 58.8972 4 1 737.50 1.8792 --1 ~31,158.18 57.0000 There shall be struck, rated, levied and collected, a further special rate per foot frontage to raise the sum of $6,274.13 to cover the ratepayers• share of' the cost of the Corporation's sewerage system, such rate to be in accordance with the rates and against the properties decided ~· ~· by the court of' Revision held for such purposes and the collector • s Roll shall provide accordingly. One half' of the said rates shall become due and be paid on or before the ;";-da;y of 1952, and the balance or other half of the said rates shall become due and be paid on or before the /$~ da;y of' 1652. The treasurer is hereby authorized to receive on account of the said rates, payments in advance of the da;ys fixed for the r..ay:ment of e i thsr ·instalment thereon and that there be allowed a discount on the ·whole or any portion of the first instalment of taxes so paid in advance, of' one-half' of' one percentum for each month that the said instalment or portion thereof is paid prior to .the day of 1952, notwithstanding that the taxes for such year have not been levied, or that the assessment roll -;;T<.. on which the said taxes are to be fixed has not been adopted by the Council, when any such advance peyment is made. • - 3 - That there be imposed, as a penalty, a percentage charge of one- half of one percentum for non-payment of the taxes or any instalment thereof on the first day of default and on the first da,y of each month trereafter in which default continues, but not after the end of the year inwhich the taxes are levied. That the statutory penalty and interest shall be charged on all of the rates not paid on the 31st day of December, 1952, and such ~< penalty and interest shall be levied and collected by the collector or Treasurer as if the same has beeri originally imposed and fanned part of the said rat eo The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector• s roll to the Collector on or before the l"r day of 1952. That the collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notices provided for by Section 109 Of The ASsessment Act to the addresses of the residences or places of business of the persons to whom such notices are required to be given. That the Collector shall, if any instalment of taxes remains unpaid ·.•. for more than fourteen days from the date r;rovided for payment thereof, forth- with proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the statute in that behalf, all such taxes, so in default, together wl th the percentage thereon imposed for a default. That the collector shall return to the Treasurer on or before the da,y of T6">1JQ.~'\\ , 1953, and furnish the :l:reasurer thereupon, all such statements of taxes unpaid and otherwise as are required by The Assessment Act • l!EAD 1\ K~ cY day of Ma¥, 1952. READ A '