BYLAW - Rescind the Third Readings of By laws 1128A and 1134 - 19521203 - 113952of the BY-LAW NUMBER II~ "'M"'un"'""l"""c""l""""p'"'a,...l,.....,C"'o""r"'p=o"'r""a""ti.c""*'o""n:-::o=r the Town of Aurora A By-Law TO RESCIND the third readings ~.~By-Laws /I~Lf ~) Numbers "'-'A , 11. and / WHEREAS By-laws numbers and were passed by the Council of the Corporatiollli td authorize the construction of sanitary and storm sewers on Kennedy Street West, on Hillview Road (formerly Lepper Street) and on Tyler Street, all on petition. 1. numbers M'D VVHEHEAS such By-laws have received these readings. THEREFORE 'I'HE M.uNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the tl1ird readings given to the said By-laws and be and the same are 4 · hereby recinded. Read a first and seco :d time this j" day of' Decemb~r 1952. ~4 -C?.--t-,/~ Ac~ Mayor clerk .. Read a third time ancl finally passed this~ day of' December, 1952. loC .. .._ ~Mayor ClerK