BYLAW - Provide for the 1952 Expenditure on Streets and Roads - 19520912 - 112952I ,{ ' A B"Y-LAW TO THE TOWN .'lJ"IYAGl!l . -4 s. ..... •·.. . 1BY-LAW NO. 1-~~~ 9. r PROVIDE F:;~;;-:r$",1.: EXPENDITURE ON ROADS OR STREET~ ··•··· . OF Af.l 8 ot?& IN THE g~,g:ie~ OF 'ldAtoe. WHEREAS nnder The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEl'lliFORE the council of the corporation of the said ;~~a<>e •. enacu:; as follows: o The sum of i? 8o. ocd ·.:::.·is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures ar:.·"i government subsidy for total expenditure on construction and maintenance of the· roads or streets under its jurisdiction during the year 19fl.. as follovls: . - ROADS & STREETS BRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ••••.•.•.. $ 8cJ, t2oo <.;. $ _______ $_-'8~'='.:..· O=o.::;o_·_ .... _.._ M.AJ:NTENANCE ••••••••••• $ ______ ...,.. $ __ _.._ ____ $ ______ _ T 0 T A L S $.....l;8,:.-0~r:.;;O-O~O:o....,".:.._ . ..,_ $....., _ __.......,___ $_,.:8;;l.:;;.o.:.,:• O,;;:O;;;_;Q:o;,",_.:._.- The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. The clerk shall transmit duplicate cop~es of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Dep'artment of. Highway,~, not later than the. 28th da(( of February \'lf the said year • 'k> f1,. J. )f. i<tr:{~<r-k, /),sfy~~:'f /"fv~<"i:./Jo.t E nyt~«w. ; 1)-=y~ral~ Htt4w"ft ... C/,,f 1 ep (/t!.,.,,J />or£<1 ,..,,...,_...,,:. 1., ON7". . Passedat ' Auo oa(j.. this . 1'-tlz DAY of JE~!FMO;I-l. A.D .19 ~n-. (SEAL) I, /('.G. NQ£C'.I . of 4{,(8 M/J- 'Dr . c. R os: Q. • MAYOR OR REEVE , Clerk of the Corporation of the do hereby certify that the foregOing of .tly-law No. 1/z.<f passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the __ .;:../~:~._f'-'4~_-day of ____ ~..;;;P"....;P~TE::...<.M.""-"J:S"'H.'-';R-._ __ .l95Z. •• . '-<:: : ..... .-' I • , ONTARIO THE ·ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 'i l:JJ 1M! M1!fll'Jt (JI* ~., .. ~(!>• fJ1 •t: ."the o~a~""~ •:l.ob~ lioarri tilt" Ut~li~o. l'JG~ ~Mtlil~'~~~" ~~) • :J•ewtt>» )Qtt (~l ~'he lltul\1t1pal Att"' (l.$-~-o. l,.so, (ltta:pter I!Lf)J, au · . ll!f. 'llf~t~'l'~~ §I~ -~~~ ~~Pt~•~~~~ 'by the Qo~orll\it~~>a f!J't tili f~~ fit' "'~411.,.-tor---- !il'll'tht"ttr to pret;'t&4 w$-th a~ te~: ~Uillt~ $6 .• --.~ Q. •.-.·· ··.""'.-'1.·0. --'.•----«> ... · . .,.··.·.t ... -~1!1-····. ~-·--.-.•. •.'.N.·--·. e .. ·. tt ....•. ·.,···.··.·•.-.·.·flit. --.··.· .. u.··· .. ·t ... a:t)' ·~ ••e~lti--~.e:~<s, •• ,Kee&4r' -~'IJ'I!~f£>11 1 WliUat 1 "'"' the ·~Q·I"~l: -+1!1111!-e,t. ~t lt ~).\,ar~ ~'' . ~ .. ~~el"l')!' t.e· a ""-!ll*fii'l'tt-1lf' · teet ~eli!11~J,!l1 . • rm., Jll.th• .. P·· .. :r--fl,~-~-"~----'--.--. o.·-----~--lt .. ·--·-·-•.J'i ... ·.<t;r ... ~-·.' t. ltfll. '-•. et.•l" .. t.·.··.' l•t .<Jt .J.et J~~-.tftool"4tq, t.o. ,l., $46• A~•l"a, &JJ 1~H•l t-J'Ov~tll!e&te (tn Fetitf.i!ln). ·. . · · .. - ' ' ' . ' '! ' :r. r o t ~; 1. fl. Rlilwlanct,. . · neta+cmA:trt),1.ul:, ' -,tlda)r, ·the l$tli tta_y flit A\13'U.iilt 1 l. f). • 19'2" ) ··lt·• ,l$ Oli}~lf),: \UI.d.~t:t' ~• _ta p~•u•••• •t ~h• b&~illt:~i•n lt"~lllta•et~We l!'ete~•"' to, ~d . ot any an-14 a1·:~, ~tb;tt .,.., .... U;••~ in the ~U'-:.. \hat thlll S41lid.app.U.!IIe:'tton-he aM ~he S$:111111' i~t b,erreb)" !I),P,PtoVIlldt m thiM~ •• ~~~:paU~t-.. ~1 -~~. prCilffliil\cl. wi~h' t.he -~~d U;~·i;tt'tQ$.q tUid tot i . . ... lliUth . PU,OJ.ltt ._, Joa~t~t ~~the~ d~ht ·~~- lll:!tlelll4~ ~ ·~fit dl!l~t •• r.r '*•* tt1j l"e!llu;l.fd.iiflll·· _,..._D.w4 1 . #.•4'$4~ ··hj.,).I!Ji~-lll-••4-I.U.n« tov t~h• :t••u• tt d.e~tQea t~wal:rl:~-ove:r a . ' . ' ... --;' -'- .. ".' ..