BYLAW - Exempt from Taxation Except for Local Improvements and School Purposes - 19521215 - 114152LORNE C. LEE, B.A., LL.B. 'f!il;trtWW'. ~_.tl~. ~~· ..._tt:. AURORA, ONTARIO Mt'eGeo:rge Wilkinson; Clerk, Town of Aurora, AUhO:aA, ontariGo -~- April 6, 19153. E&: Aurora L~:tgion ... ey,.law Number 1141 !l!b.is by..;.law has been approved by j)he Dej?artment of Mmicipal AffllirSo If you woW.d desire a copy of the by~law with the approval of t)le .i)Eipartment eildorsed t!lereon, we shal:l. have to forward to the .cepartment a. certif:!.ed copy of the by.,.lawo. Yours very trulY• LCL/il.Oo ; :~-.' ,--. '\ ) '-~-/ () I ' ;ay.;uw NU.i\lllJSR l/4-1 Of the. ~icipal Ocrporation cf :i!he :town of Aurora BY-LAW 1'0 EXEMPT FROM TAXA~·ION, EXCEPT ]QR LOCAL IMl'ROVI!iM.!'.iNTS A® ~CHUOL .I:'U.IlPOl>l!.l3, THE AO:OORA MEM.ORIAL LEGION l:!ALL. W~S by ~he ~icipal Act R.s.o. Chapter 243 Section 386, 3ubsection 54, the council may pass a by-law for exemption from taxaction, except for local improve- ments and school purposes, fo.r a period not exceeding ten years, any premises actually used and occupied as a home, clubhouse or athletic grounds by persons wh served in the armed forces of l:Ier Majesty or Her Majesty• s Allies in aey war. A® WHERl!lAS the premises, comprising Loti-bezL!l!woo according to .l:'la.n 340, for the Town of Aurora, .is actually used and oconpied as a clubhouse by the Aurora canadian Legion l~umber 385 by persons who served in the armed forces of Her Majesty or her Majesty's Allies in the wars of 1939 to 1945 and 1914 to 1918 and other wars • .Ll.ND Wlililli>AS the council of the Corporation of the T~?WU of Aurora deem it expedie: .ito exempt the said property from t~ction except for local improv.ement s a.nd sch purposes, for a period of f)" years, commencing rrom .a:nd including the year 1951. 1. OOW TEEREFOltE •rl)i> MUNICI?AL OO.ill20.1JA'l: ION u F ~·H.~;; l'OWN Ub' AU ROlli!. E.NAC'.CS AS bOLLO\'IS: :cl:Lat the lands and premises of the 'Aurora Cauadian Legion i'lumber 385 comprising Lot:,~ber 2, according to ?lan 340 be and the same is hereby exempt from taxation, except for local improvements and school purposes, for a ,.period. 1 " ~ years from and including the year 1951. 'l:hat this by-law shall come into force on it reoeivlng the approval of Department of uUnicipal .Ll.ffalrs. Read a first and. second t I ~ . ~ day of December, 1952 • . ~ _.Y6_ kh ... -1./~. Mayor . -Clerk .nead a third time and finall~ sed this /<;;4 • day of JJecember, 1952 • .4,,H~ Clerk