BYLAW - Further Amend By law 939 - 19520519 - 112752-------
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of the Municipal Corporation of
The Town of Aurora·
BY-LAW NO ............... -........ ..
A BY-LAW.:.CO ]'llli.l:liili. Ji.!li!Jl!;£!D JJY-L1lW ifUdBlli 9$ TO lii>GliLlWE TllAFblC Oi~ HIGHWA.iil
lli THE IDWH O.b' AlffulRAo
WHJ<:! By-law Immber 939, as amended by By-law Number 1076, :provides for the
reg.J.lation of traffic in the Town of Aurora,
AND WH £li1'"1S the Council of the Corporation of the Town of ;~urora ·deem 1 t
expedient to fctrther amend said By-law lmmber 939 to prohibit parking of any
vehicle within certain limits on the North side of wellington street East and
also to prohibit parking on the East side of Yonge Street south from Kennedy
Street East to North of the .Arena,
THE.RJ!;jj'QHE T!lli JV!JlliC1Pi1L COliHCIL Ob' 1'!G COhl'Oll.l:.rlON 0~' 'l'HE Ci!OWl'
0~' AUliOl:'.A ID'll\.OTS AS l>'OLLO\\';J:
Subsection (k). of section 4 of Part 111 of By-law NUmber 939, as
amended by By-law .Number 1076, is further amended by adding thereto the
~on the l~orth side of Wellington street East from the extension
northerly in a straight line of the westerly limit of' Victoria street
westerly to the commencement of the meters • ..:
2. SUbsection ( 1) of Section 4 of Part 111 of By-law Number 939 as amended
by By-law lmmber 1076 is further amended by striking out the following paragraph:
"'n the west side of ~onge ::>treet from the north limit of Lot 1,
according to Plan 9 for the Town of aurora, to the north limit of
Kennedy street West •"
and inserting in its :place and stead the following :paragraph
"'On the East side of Yonge Street from the south limit of Lot 17
according to Plan 68, for the Town of Aurora, to the Horth limit of
KSnnedy Street East."
This By-law shall take effect on it receiving third reading and on it
being approved by the Deroartlll9nt of Hl@J.ways.
Read a first and seco time this /I:(' day of May 1952.
Y Clerk.
Read a third t lme and ly passed this / fNI;;ay of llt'a.Y 1952.
Approved-this 9th day of July, 1952 pursuant to the
provisions or the Highway Traffic Act, ·subj.ect to the
erection and·maintenance of signs indicating the