BYLAW - Provide for the 1952 Expenditure on Roads or Streets - 19520303 - 1119526 BY-L. A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19...£-_E:XPENDITURE 1 IN THE ;~~AA OF __ ..,A,..u..._r,....o.._r ... a _____ IN THE = ; (. I "·· • WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by· 1 [. expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted anr Minister of Highways for approval. THEl~FORE the council of the corporation of the enacts as follows: ·.·.•>;\. . .) f''.~ / I"-~ The sum of iii I¥-, o" " is hereby appropriated by levy, debentures arc~ government subsidy for on construction and maintenance of the roads or jurisdiction during the year 19.....23._as follows: ROADS & STREETS BRIDGES & CULVERTS CONSTRUCTION •.• ; .•.•.. $_-'-~'-o'--o-'-o_. ___ $ _ _./'-"-a_;;-o;,..o:....,.,,,_ MAINTJ;;N.'INCE ••••••••••• $ 1-< a-" o $ ------ TOTALS I (2 l I [) (3) I f . . / The said monies shall be expended on work perfo: with The Highway Improvement Act. The •clerk shall transmit duplicate copies 'of thj district· office of the Municipal Roads Branch, I Highways, q()t later than the 28th day of'\'Februal Passed at_-£!A.,.u""r,.o.._r .. a ______ this 3rd DAY of_