BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers on Kennedy St. West - 19520818 - 1128A52~-' -~--·;...,._,_ ' •,, __ ~-·-/ l_ BY-.LA.Vl N!JMBER · I I~ e 1'1. of the Munioipal Ool'p(irat ion of the !!.'own of Aurora BY-LAW !lU AmHORIZE THE CON~RUO!I!ION OF SAIUTA.Ifi' AND S!LO.RIIi S.mY.KilS 0.1.'1 K'KNN!i:DY STB.Im'l', wm.l!, F.R>M THE &STERLY L·Ill!IT OF LOT 1~ PLAN 36, WESTERLY ro A :OOIM JllSTAM //7J"' Jml!D! WESTRRLY F.ll)li4 'i:B P.!ODUCTION NORTHEllLY OF TB •5'.cEBLY Lill!IT OF :00!1.' 33, AOOO.HD.Il'I'G TO PLAN 246, .Atmo.BA, .AS A IDOAL I.ldPB>V&JEllll! UNDER :~liE .l?J:OVISIO:NS Ol!' ~ IDOAL I.ldProVEMm .A<IC. , WHEREAS at least two-thirds in llWllber of the owners representing at least one .balt ot the value l)f the lots liable to be specially assessed and others have petitioned the oounoil to construct, as a local ·im;provement, the work hereinafter desoribed, and the Clerk hes certified that the Petition is suttioient • .Aim WH.IIRBAS it is expedient to grant the prayer of the Petition 1n manner hereinafter provided. ~IiORE THE MUlUOIPAL COUNCIL OF iliE CO.HRlRA:ClON OF THE !I.'OW!l" OF AtrliOBA ENAO!I.'S AS I10LU>WS1 l. Dat sanitar,y sewers, having a sectional area of .t£ inches, be constructed on Kennedy street, West, :f'rom the asterly limit of Lot l, Plan 36, Westerly to a point distant 1 P 7' Jr' teet Westerly :f'rom the production Northerly of the l!asterly limit of Lot 36, according to Plan 246, .Aurora, as a local iDqlrovement UDder the provisions of :-ehe Looal lllq1rovement .Act. 2. That a storm sewer or drain be constructed on Ksmedy street, West, :f'rom the J!llil.sterly limit of Lot 1, Plan 36, Westerly to a point distant teet Westerly from the production :Northerly ot the iasterly limit of Lot .:,_~-~ 36, according to Plau 246, .Aurora, as· a loo&l improvement under the provisions ot !!!he Local Improvement Act. 3. That Mtssrs. Proctor, Redfern lo Lau~lin be and they are hereby appointed the l!D:Igl.neers to torthwith make such plans, profiles and \~~: . -·~f .. ' ( ' " ,->;··~·-. f ,f. ~ \ .. ~./· .. , -2 - specifications and furnish such illi'ormation as mq be necessary tor the· . ~·' making ot a oontraot tor the execu.tion ot the said 'IIOr.k:. 4. ~ work shall be carried on aud executed under the superinte:ridauce and according to the directions and orders of such eng:inser!l. 5. !191& 1111\ror ~ 0181'.11: are autho:,.oized to cause a contract tor the con- struction of the 'I'IOrk to_ be made and entered into w1 th some person or persons, fim or corporation, subject to t.h& approval of this Ocu.ncil to be declared by .Resolution. 6. !L'he !l!reasurer ms,y agree 'Ill th aey bau.k: or person tor temporary advances ot money to meet the cost of the work pending the comPletion of i1i. '1. a. !1!11& special assessment sl:llloll be paid by ~'ntyaunual instalments. ~c:s:~ b debentu.res to be iS!Iued tor the loan to be effected to ps,y tor th,e CO!It of the work when com,pleted shall bear interest at such rate as the council ms,y detel'Jlline and lie made ps,yable within ~ years on the instalme.nt ~<_ pla. 9. .All¥ person whose lot is specially assessed IIIII¥ oollllllUte for a ps,yment in cash, the special rates impOS!Id thereon by ps,ying the portion of the cost' of construction assessed upon such lot, without the interest, forthwith after the sp&oial assessment roll has been certified by the Olerk, and at aey time tlwre-~ , after by the p8f.111ent of such swn as when invuted at per-an= Will ;provide an annul ty sufficient to pa.y the special rates for the unexpired portion of the tellll as they fall due. date of A / st, 1952. • Bfad a third time anQ.