BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Sanitary Sewer along Wellington Street West - 19521103 - 113352.;: '
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BY;,;LAW l'llJMj)!!J( I I 3 3
of the MUnicipal Oorporation Of the
iown of Aurora
.l. IlY-LA\v .i'u au·•rliUrtl~E :J:lil!; W~i:iT!1li01'i0N OJ!' A ;:JA.LH'£iilii ;;EVIJ>i:< A.LU.Nl> ;iJ>L1L-Nl7'iUl'l
--il:rlilil!.T WJ>;:j.l! l!:.tllJJ>i li-"Uhu,; i:li.i:t!5JSJ!, in the TUiiL~ Ul!' "'-htOHI, Aim SOU'rli l'ROM
WELLINt>TON S Tlllil!W WES'r PARALLEL 10 1'liJ; Ul:UiiEK AC!liOS S LOT 27 J.>LAli 246, A\JRO Hll,
1'0 1'HJ> KX:.Cili'ISIOl'l i'IES'l'l!lli.Y UJ!' HlLLVI.O.W .ROAD (formerly LepPer Street )o
WlllillKAS Pursuant to H.s.o. section 386 b'ub-sect.ion 12, the council
may pass a by; for the construction of sewers and for making all necessary
connections ther&with and for this purpose to acquire land,
AND WHJ!dll>AS the council of the lliunicipal Corporation of the Town of
Aurora deem it expedient to construct a sanitary sewer along Wellington Street
West from t>eorge street and South from wellington street parallel to the vreek
across Lot 27, Plan 246, to the extension Westerly of Hillview Roaci {formerly
Lepper street ) for the purpose ar~ongst others of prov<iding an outlet for the
sewers authorized by by-law,along Hillview Road and 1~ler street,
ALW WHJ>IEAS the total estimated cost of such work, including necessary
coimections and costs of easements, is ijjl
Tlfr;.i:iEl!DRJ> 1'J:lli i\WNICI.l:'AL OOU1101L OJ!' "'HJ> GOlti'ORA:J:Wl~ OF ~'J:lli 'fOWli Uli'
i'liA1' sanitary sewers, having a sectional area of 15 inches, be con-
structed on Wellington Street west from George Street westerly a distance of
350 feet and thence southerly more or less parallel to the Creek bed, '":: ·· ·
across Lot 27, Plan 246, Aurora, a distance of 1510 feet and also to extend and
connect thereto the sewer lines from the Westerly limits of Hillview lioad and
Tyler Streets.
2. :J:liA'r Messrs. Proctor, Jiedfern &: Laughlin be and they are hereby
appointed the engineers to forthwith make such plans, profiles and specifications
and furnish such. information as may be necessary for the making of a contract ~
for the execution of the said work.
:J:HA:l! the work shall be carried on and executed under the superin-11\<.
tendance and according to the directions and orders of such engineers.
iHA:l! the ~yor and Clerk are hereby authorized to cause a contract
for the construction of the work to be made and entered into with some person
or persons, :firm or corporation, subject to the ap:profal of this council, to be
declared by Jiesolution.
T~ the Treasurer may agree with any bank or person for temporary
advances of money to meet the cost of the work, pending the completion of ito
6. That the debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to pay
/ for the cost of the work, when completed, shall bear interest at such rate as
the Council may determine and be made payable within twenty years on the in-
stalment plan.
Read a first and second time this ~ day of ~ovember, 1952.
Read a third time and finally passed this day of ~ovember,l952o
CiJ .. C~ Mayor.,
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