BYLAW - Appoint Highschool Trustee - 19520107 - 111652\------m~n~'~""-""-~------.--------'~--~·-' •----~--~-~~·~~~~.~=~~~---•~n~·-~---~--•••••-••"-•~-----~-----~-----•••""'''""'"'...:..~----·-•••-•••-••---- / BY-LAW NUMBER I I I f.e of the Munioipal Corporation ef The Town of Aurora. BY-LAW TO APPOINT AURORA DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL TRUSTEE WHEREAS pursuant to the High Schools Aot, and amendments thereto, a High Sohool Distriot, inoluding the Town of Aurora, has been established te take effeot on January 1st, 1948. AND WHEREAS the Counoil of the Munioipal Corperation of the Town of Aurora is required to appoint one Trustee to sit on the Aurora Distriot High Sohool Board. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. be and he is hereby appaint.ed Trustee to serve on the High School Board of the united ..ill-· Municipalities of Aurora, King and Whitohuroh during the years 1952 and 1951~ DATED at the Counoil Chambers this 7th day of Jan. 1952. PASSED at the Counoil Chambers this 7th day of Jan.l952.