BYLAW - Amend By law 1094 - 19521103 - 113552.______.. of the M.lnicipii.1 corporation of thjl :Eownof.Auroaa A BY-LAW 'l'O .AlM!a'ID llY-LAW .Nillillil!.R 1094, AS Al!illW.DED BY BY-LA IV .Nili'!WllB. 1121 WHEREAS by By-law Number 1094, which was approved by The Ontario M.lnicipal Board by its Order dated the I?! day of ')w.z/ 1951-,'"'"the corporation of the Town of Aurora was authorized to borrow ij;l250,000.00 upon the credit of the corporation for Rublio School purposes. AND WJ:i li:UEIIS by By-law l'!Ulllber 1121, Board under its Order dated the which was approved by The ontario MUnicipal I/ day of~ 1952, the amount,whlch the Corporation of the Town of Aurora was authorized to borrow for the said purposes, was increased by ~5,000.00, making the total amount ~285,000.00. AUJJ WJ:iJlliEAS Paragraph 8 ·o:r the said By-law Number 1094 provides that the said · corporation shall have the right, at its option, to redeem the debentures autliDrized to be issued under the said By.,law in who.le or in part on any date ~lor to maturity. ' AND \Vli.!5REAS the council of the corporation of the: Town of Aurora deem it expedient to amend the said Paragraph 8 to provide that the said Corporation shall have the right, at its option, to redeem only the debentures falling due in the twentieth year as shown in the schedule attached to the said .lly-law liUlllber 1094 prior to the naturlty thereof and pursuant to the terms and .. provisions of the said paragraph. .~-.' l. THAT paragraph 8 of the said By.,law ll!Ulllber 1094, as amended by By-law l'IUlllber 1121, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "the said debentures either in whole or in part" after the word "redeem" in the second J,ine of the said paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof the words "the debentures. falling due in the twentieth year as shown in the said schedule" and by striking out the last sentence of' the said paragraph, so that J?a.ragraph s of the said By-law 1094, as a.11ended aforesaid, shall read as follows; •e. The corpora.tion shall have the right at its option to redeem the -2- debentures falling due in the twentieth year as shown in the said schedule on any date prior to the maturity thereof upon payment of the principal araount thereof and accrued interest thereon to the dat of redemption and upon giving previo"s notice of said intention to redeem by advertising once in fhe Ontarian Gazette and once in a dally~newspaper of general provincial circulation, published in the City of ~oronto, and once in a local newspaper such notice to be advertised at least thirty d~s before the date fixed for rede~tion. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent by.posi at least thirty days prio~ to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a debentmnseso to be redeemed is registered at the address sho in the Debenture Registry Book." Read a. first time . an. d secona._ tinthi s . ~ s;>A. CK~ •• Mayor ~: Read a. third time and finally pa. • • Mayor day of November, 1952. Clerk 3 . : day of November, 1952. Clerk· ONTARIO Blli'O.lh l, K. leateaj t.e. A. Lb:t•J:• · ·!•·. --.... "!'V>- 4ay ot lfovell.\il!l:r 1 A • D' • t l. 9J2 • J ) :U l$ t)IW.IU~.t Wider u4 1~ ~&\Wlce •t •; t~e legislt.t.l~Jn hel'e$.a)effi!H l'~t~~tl'~d . t.o • and of .. ~ . . any au all •tbel' ~~'• ..,.,,.d .. tn_'tn• tHrtit t.hlil1< 'bile Mu-er of a1vlnJ a~Jt i«e of rednptl~• et ienentuea as Pl't?idei b !ir•la.w Number 1894,; ·a.• Al,lnend"-by li'""lfi'lf ••ef' ll.J'•· be .aa4 tht ,..., it :I .;r·-·~ ,. :' ·<_. ' ', ~ '•' '• ,, I ' ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD XI 'IMI )ll'ftiR 01 hlil~i~ll 61 . of' 11 'l'be 4ln1i(lt1o ll!lm#.JliPf.H., »•ar4 A•t" (R.r;.o. 19!$0, QbspteJ' 262.)., alllt, · . · .. 1:1 i'Hi MA'H'~ OJ' ar~. app).~o:a~$.t:n lift the S.rporatit;)ll ·of' t lie .... 'i!~ Iff . 4~l:'ll .·• .· .... · · tor approval o£ U<iit Jr,.l.aw ~~.91" 1()9'4 • pa. •.•. eel t}J.fl ~ .. ·~ .... h· 4~Y .. ··O.I ... ··• ·D.'.".·.· .. · .. ~.·.·. ,er .. ·. r l".'· S.l ...... t·' aa amende4 by By ... litW'$ ~~~t"J Ulil. ~n¢ ll3S •. Jlil$se« .t!ae. 12~ .$eptlii1Jtl'ter1 . 195!. and. the 3rt! d.ay et l.nel!lbln', 1952 ~~~".eeQ ... oo for Pu'bUo Saool P1.u'posll!s) ~" · a. H. tea~es 1 Geo. A. ~ieter, • anct ... R. L. Ktnnelly; ~s .... l l.. 'rhv!'Jctar • tlle l)th day ) tt l~'lember, A. ll., 19S~.~ } If .IS Qlf)-D, \Ulder ancl in plil'8lliB.Dee 11>t the leaidatlon he"$.1').\lCtfQ.re reterl'l!ld to, and ' •£ any •ml all other powera Yest.e4 in the. ~ari • .' ~ . tha.t the said. a,mend" 'by~law l•'b~ 1Qf4, be a:nd the ••• ish«~l'eby appro~ed .. . '