BYLAW - Amend By law 1094 - 19520912 - 112152( /~~. I l-'. i AMENDED BY CORPORA:J.'IQN 9.1!' 'iii,; i'OVil~ v.l!' aURO.hA BY -LAW NO .......................... """ .BY--LAW !~U. j I d. J ' A .DY'iiio.LA\V :i:O a~•i.J .oy;,.J.AW iilJIIWJ!;R 1094, BEING .0. .dY;,.LAw :LV "'UT.i:iV.hiZE i'fili .l:lU.i:i.riuWI.l'ic; u.l!' $?50 0000.00 ll.PON .iJJ!i.l:ll!ON.l'Uii.aB wh .PUJ:SL!C SCHOOL J?U.hli.IS~ \'11!iilii!iA5 by :sy;,.law .l'illlllber 1094, which was approved by :t:he ontario ((. c<.-'-'1 ~icipal .Board under order dated the loth d~ o~Augnst 1951, the corporation of the ~own of Aurora was authorized to borrow f250,ooo.oo upon the credit of the corporation .and to issue debentures therefor, pursuant to the request of the Aurora.Public School BO~d for the purchase of the existing High school building and land from the Aurora District High school Board and for the construction of an addition thereto and for the purchase of equipment 9 a!ID WHEREAS the aurora Public school Board has now requested the Town council to provide an additional ~5,000.00 for such purposes, it being represented by the said Board that the original amount is in- sufficient, -".I.'ID WHEREAS it appears expedient to borrow the total amount of :fp285,ooo.oo upon. the credit of the corporation and to issue debentures upon the terms and conditions set forth in tha 1 said J:lY-law Number 1094, AuROBA ENACTS 4S l!'OLLOWSa. l. :CHAT paragreyhs one and two and clause l of .BY-law NUmber 1094 be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words and figures "two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00 )"where they coeur in lines two and three thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures utwo hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars ($285,000.00) and by striking out the words and figures "four per centum (4%)" in line five of the said clause one and inserting in lieu thereof the words and / figures five per centum (5%) so that the. said Paragraphs one and two and Clmse l shall read as follows: Paragraph Ol;l.e ~areas the aurora Xttblic school Board has requested the Town Council to provide the sum of TWO Hundred,' and Eighty-five Thousand J))llars ($285,000.00) for the purchase of tbe existing High .:>chool Building ant land from the ~· .. , .. , -----~--..---::._........~~- .. Aurora District High School Board, and for the construction of an addition thereto and for the purchase of equip!llent •" Paragraph !Cwo: "And whereas lt is expedient to borr.ow for the said purpose a sum not exceeding TWo Hundred and .&.'igh1/,>-five Thousand DOllars ( $295,000.00 J upon the credit of the corporat~on, to issue debentures therefor bearing interest . . _.. ~..,( jf.Jh Ct:/1,)_ ........ ~..... s ' at the rate of five per centum ( !ftl per annum peyable annually and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such debentures.• Clause 1: "1. .FOr the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upo!). the credit of the corporation a SUlll not axceedi!l.g ~'Wo HUndred and Eighty-five Thousand DOllars ($285,000.00), and s~ll issue debentures therefor in sums """fi0C.. of not lef\S than $5l).OO eayh. Each debenture shall bear interest at the j-fA<A /1-~ ,.(..-{..._.-~ ~ rate of five per centum (5%) par annum payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest ... 2. !r&~ schedule "A" to .By-law Number 1094 be amended to read in ~· accordance with Schedule "A~ hereto ~ 3. THAT in all other respects the provisions of the said ey-law E'w;!jber 1094 shall remain in full force and effect. READ A ··. . ': .. ; -~::.;_•_c ___________ _,-~n-,•~~~"'-~~"""".._.--"'"'~•~--·-"-'-----.· .. •M THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE "A" ('-''"<-.,_ i to ~,) By-law No. ·1121 $28.5,000.00 .5"/. 1 -20 Years. Year Principal Interest Total 19.5} 9,000 14,2.50 2},2.50 19.54 9,000 1},800 22,800 19.5.5 10,000 1},}.50 2},}.50 19.56 10,000 12 '8.50 22,8.50 19.57 11,000 12,}.50 2},}.50 19.58 11,000 11,800 22,800 19.59 12,000 11,2.50 2},2.50 1960 12,000 10,6.50 22,6.50 "...,~_...-1961 1},000 10,0.50 23,0.50 . 1962 1},000 9,400 22,400 i 196} 14,000 8,7.50 22,7.50 I 1964 1,5,000 8,0.50 ·2},0.50 l 196.5 1.5,000 7 ,}00 22,300 I I 1966 16,000 6,.5.50 22,.5.50 I 1"""")0 1967 17,000 .5,7.50 22,7.50 1968 . 18,000 4,900 22,900 . 1969 19,000 4,000 23,000 !.~/1~ ·... -•'·"A"·"'-l 1970 ~':{ 20,000 3' 0.5 0 23,0.50 1971 20,000 2,0.50 22,0.50 l.972 21,000 1,0.50 22,0.50 28.5 ,ooo 171,200 4.56,200 . ' ( r. . : . . . ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUI>!ICIPAL BOARD a •. H. tea.1iint ,·'' ,, ,., ' Gto. A. :W.atd', "' EA1&4 R •. :t.. Xelintu •.. ~-~··· J l ~ursday, i>he 11th day j ot: Se:pteltlber, A. J.; 19!12. 1 ) l.T l:S Ol'UliCUJ, ~4er .6$t tn pw:>a\llllnet of \he ·l.e&tala~ien Jaereinbetcn ~ten'l!lld t.G.t and ~ . . ' ' ot •ny aatt all other powers V4JJteti; to tht Be~, th$t the ad«l pre,,tfi!d :a, ... ~~· ill~e; .tl.sl, be ud . :-.. ........... the tame ie hwe.bJ apJ*!ovM.~.·