BYLAW - Appoint a Clerk and Treasurer - 19521110 - 113652BY-LAW IilfMBER //3(, v.l!' ~·HE MUlUCI.PAL OO.HffiRATI0£1 OF THE TOWN OF AURORA .By-law to appoint a· clerk and 2'reasurer for the Municipal Qorporation of the Townof.Auro:ta~.. i'HE!'()i;FO.HE !!!HE MJIUCIPAL OOUNCI.L Ob' THE COHFORATION OF THE :J.0Wl1 OF AUIDJ:lA ENACTS AS .l!"OLLOWS: (1} That George Wilkinson be and he is hereby appointed clerk iii\<. and Treasurer of the AiWlicipal corporation of the Town of Aurora. (2) That the s.aid George Wilkinson shall assume and take over the duties and responsibilities of the offices of clerk and Treasurer of the """C>\<. said corporation on and after the day of 1\/•"•""\,.,.,.. 1952. (3) That the said George Wilkinson shall perform and carry out all the duties of the said offices of Clerk and Treasueer required by a Olerk and Treasurer under ''The riLUnicipal Act", or any other ACt or acts relating to Municipal Jllil.tters and all amendments to the said "The n1Unicipal ,.ct" or other Act or .acts which are now in force or may heraafter be in force in the .l:'rovince of unt aria ani shall further perform and carry out all the duties which are usually performed and carried out by a JViU.nicipal vlerk and a Municipal crreasurer, whether reguired by the said "The MUnicipal Act" or any other Act or l!.Cts or otherwise. (4) That before entering upon the duties of the said offices of' Clerk and Treasurer he shall gi. ve such security as may be acceptable to the Council in the. amount of' fe.., /~ousa..,d J.l/a. ,.__. (X, <>-<t-<~) Dlllars for the due and faithful performance and carrying out of litis duties as ·.·-· •. !<.,"">;-_ Clerk and crreasurer, and particularly for duly accounting for and paying over ~ all monies that raay come into his hands and the sufficiency of such security shall be examined and reported upon by the Auditor or Auditors to the Council in each and every year. (5) '.Chat the said IJlerk and Treasurer shall be paid for the perf'or- :.· .. -<r-m.-~:;;.~-·--~_:._.·~-··· -• -· ·--~·-· ·~· -· ~~~~-o.· '"""'""""""~"'~'"·"""~~ ·: _________________ ~~-·--~------·---- ...... -2- manoa and carrying out of his duties aforesaid the yearly sum of H ..... ~ -lt ••• a. ... J ·-.. l~---d .... J o."'d .J-..,..,"'t-7 (~ IA..Cl l mllars ~ ($ ~0 ) , payable weekly • . (6) All by-laws or part or parts of any by-law inconsistent with this By-law are hereby repealed. BEAD A PIHST ANlJ SECOND '' '.i!Iill /() day of l~ovElllber, 1952. #. -?1~-· Clerk I Q day of l'iOVeniber, 19 52. Clerk