BYLAW - Sale of Mechanic's Hall Property - 19510217 - 111251.----·---,___ ..... , BY..;LJ!.W NUMBER Til . 2-- OF ~'HE MUNICIPAL COBPORATION OF THE 'J:O.Vl1 OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUlllHORIZE THE SALE OF THE MECHAl\fiCS' HALL PliOPER!rY WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora received an offer from The Lions Club of Aurora for the purchase of the "Mechanics' Halla property at $2500.00 with the conditions that the property shall be restricted to the use thereof for charitable, municipal andre- creational purposes. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora deem it advisable to accept the said offer and to sell the said property subject to the said conditions as to its use, THEREJ!ORE THE MUNICIPAL COBPORATION OF THE ~UWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS ~'OL:WWS: lo That the said of~er for the purchase of the said "Mechanics Hall" Property comprising ALL AND S!l'!GlJ.L.AR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate; lying and being in the Town of Aurora and being composed of the North half of Lot 5 on the south side of Mosley Street in the said Town of Aurora according to a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Iforth Riding of the County of York as NUmber 58, be and the same is hereby accepted and that the Mayor and Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and ci!omplete a good and sufficient conveyance of the said property in favour of The Lions Club of Aurora, and to cause the seal of the Corporation to be attached thereto, such conveyance to be made subject to the reservations, limitations, provisoes, terms, agreements and conditions as follows: (a) That the said lands and prenises fonnerly known as "Mechanics• Hall" shall be retained at all times as a coll1lllUllity hall. (b) That, other than as hereinafter provided, the said "Mechanics• Han''shall be used by the Grantee, its successors and assigns exclusively £or charitable, recreational and religious purposes. (c) That in the event of the "lllechanics• Hall•• being put to a use other· than in accordance with the provisions set forth in said Clauses (a) and (b), < • • - 2 - then the use and the ope rat ion of the "Mechanics' Hall" generally shall · thereafter require the consent oA appro.val by the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. (d) That, subject to prior bookings, priority shall be given by The Lions Club of Aurora to requests of charitable, recreational and religious organ- izations for the use of the said Mechanics' Hill.ll but on condition that such priority is given.,. the said Club shall be at liberty to lease the Hall to any reputable organization. at such rental. and other conditions as to the said Club may appear reasonable. (e) That in the event of the Lions Club of Aurora being desirous of selling the said lands and premises it shall first offer the said lands and premises for .sale to the Council of the said corporation, which shall, in any event, have the right to purchase same at the highefffoffer made by 'any bona fide purchaser. (f) That anyssale of the said lands and premises shall be subject to the above.reservations, limitations, provisoes, terms, agreements and conditions and shall also require the consent or approval by the Council of the said corpor'4tion. (g) That in the event of the said Lions Club of Aurora ceasing to operate as an active club, the title to the said lands and premises shall revert to the I~icipal corporation of the Town of Aurora. Upon payment of the said money and upon the Lions Club of Aurora also executing the said conveyance to bind itself to observe and comply with the said conditions. READ A FiffiT AUD SECOl'W TIME 'ililS i'l~ay of Dscember 1951 ·fZkLcv? ~u./~ ~ M~or erk READ A THIRD i'IME AlW PAi:lSED this /7..J. day of Dscember 1951