BYLAW - Sale of Lot 17 - 19510703 - 109951o:f the MUniCl. pal Cor:poration of the !!lawn of Auro:ra. BY~I!AW TO AUTHCIUZE THE SALE OF 10! 17, ON !mE NOlml SIDE OF !I!YLER STBEI!lT ACCOBJ>IlG TO PLAN SO lOR !liRE TOWN OF AUIOliAo WHEREAS t lB ll4~1c i:pal Oor:poration of the Town of' Aurora p!U'J?ort s . te be the o.v:r:er of Lot 1 '1 on the North side of ~ler Street, accerding to Plan 30, and has received an offer :from John waller, a Veteran, for the :purohase ef sane • Am> WHEliiW! it is deelll9d eJI!Pedient that the said Offer be acoe:pted am the sale of the said p~orcEil. be com:pleted, condi tio:nal on the said veteran constructing a house on the said lot within two years from the date of the :passing of this by .. law. i THSl!ER>RE TIJE Ml1NIOIB.L <DUWIL OF THE OORPOBA!I!ION OF THE TOWN OJi' AUR>RA ENACTS AS !>LLOWS: lo TmT ti:B said Offer for the :purchase of' Lot 17 on the Ncrth side of Tyler Street, according to Plan 30 for the To11111 of Aurora, at or :for the :price o:f One ($1.00) Dlllar be and the same is hereby acceit ed, conditional on the said veteran oonst:moting a house on the. said lot within two years from the date llf the :passi:ag of this by-law. 2o THAT, on tlB said veteran constructing a houss on the said lot, oo.nforming to the Oor:poration•s building by-law, within two years from the date of the :passing of this by-law, the J4ayor and !freasurer be and tll97 are m:reby autmrized and directed to execute and complete a good and sufficient conveyance of the said :parcel in :favour of' John Waller, or his nominee, and to CBilse the seal of the said Corporation to be attached tbe:reto. s. THAT, provided a house is not :fUlly constructed on the said lot within two years from the date of the passing of this by .. law, the lot shall :revert to the Cor:poration and the interests of' the said Veteran in the said --------·-------'----'-· lot shall cease am temiZiate. 4. THAT the said VQteran shall lla"Ve :ao right to assign or transfer" \br his interests in the said lot until a deed is deliwered to him. ~ 6. 'mAT any by .. law or by .. lawa or provisions in SllY by .. law or by .. laws .rL\ inconsistent with the terms and F ovisions of this by .. law are hereby fjl} repeal eel. READ A m:llST AND SECOND TIM& the ~ ""'-'"". HEAD A THIRD TIME AND PASSED the ~ ~