BYLAW - Limit the Distance Between Poles on the streets - 19510703 - 109851• .. '~ BY -LAW NIJMBER I 0 fi of the Mu:ilici;pal Cor:Poration of the Town of Aurora. BY-LAW TO LIMIT THE NOMBEH. OF FEEl.' BETWEEN POLES ON ~'HE STREETS lN THE TOWN OB A u:RORAe WHEREAS it appeal's ex:pedient to :make a minimum spacing of One J:nnldr&d (100) feet between poles to be erected in the Town of Aurora TH!ilRI!lNJBE THE loiJNICIPAL COUNCIL O.B' THIS OOllPO.llATION OF THE TOWN OF AURO.llA ENACTS .AS FOLLOWS! l. TH.llT, without the consent of the Council of the Cor.Pora. tion of the Town of .Aurora, all poles erected in fUture along any ... street the !!.'own of Aurora shall have a minimum spacing of One Rundred (100) and such poles shall be erected only on one side of such street. RFA\ A FIRST AND SEOJND TIME THE ~ ~. day of JUly, 195~. REI\D A THIRD TIME AND PASSED the -3 ·~ · day of JUly, 19 51. ~.Clerk in.~ feet '-if\'