BYLAW - Amend By law 1069 - 19510918 - 110851. .. , i~..-~~==,"""-~'::i'i'!·,_..~ .. ~~----~.---'--~---'-'---r;::~=="'-=~m------~~,__~~~~-~ ....... ~-~~-~~ ...... -~-""'-'--·~~- ... -... ------ .,..~-~··· -- ! BY...;LAW NUMBER 1108 OF THE MUNICIPAL COR.l?O.!lATION OF ~·HE TOWN OF AURORA .A BY-LAW TO AI\!END B~LAW NO. 1069 VII!mEAS on the 6th day of l~ovenil:ler . .A.D. 1950, the Municipal council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora did pass By-law lilUlllber 1069, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing u:pon debentures of the SU!ll of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600 9 000.00) for the .:pur:pose of erecting and equi:pp~ng a High school for the Aurora High School District, AND WHI!lREAS for the advantageous lll!lrketing of the said debentures, it is. expedient to amend the rate of interest peyable on the said debentures and other :provisions,as provided in the said By-law No. 1069, 'l'IlEREli'ORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COR.fOllATION OF THE TOWl:>l OF AURO.!lA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS! l. That the last :paragraph on the first page of the preamble para- gra:phs and i:lection 2 of the said by-law .Nu.mber 1069 be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the word and figures "1951 to 1970" in the third· line of the first mentioned :paragra:ph and in the fourth line .of the said section 2 and inserting in lieu thereof the word and figures "1952 to 1971"• 2· That Section l of the said .BY-law NUlllber 1069 be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words and figures "3i-p.er centum• in· the fifth and sixth line thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures ~ :per centum"• 3. That the Schedule "A" attached to the said By-law NUmber 1069 be and the same is hereby amended to conform with Schedule "A" attached to this by-law and that the debentures authorized to be issued under the said By-law NUmber 1069 be issued pursuant to and in accordance with the said Schedule "A" attached hereto, which Schedule "A" shall form part of said -2- ' ~D a first, second and third time, and finally passed this 18th day '~ ~·"'-· .. _-/L. ., of september, l95lo \ .\·. ·.. .. . . ... <''''·-··--·~~-·-·-~---· -~·-·---· -·--·-~~~~~~-,~---~-~~--.. "'"·-~-·· ·-'-····--···------· -----··-----.... ,, ...... , _ _._. ____ , __ _ ' . ...... \. ) -~#· r·--·· "'./ (·'-~-' .. : '<.-./ i ~ '1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 SCHEDULE "A" ' .A $6oo,ooo.oo TOWN OFAOROR4, ONTAlUO ~ serial Debentures Bt.. 110 ~ -rob"\ PrinciJ2al Interest Tot~ ,;' $ 19,631.90 $ 2~,499.99 $ 45,131.89 20,466.27 24,665.62 45,i3l.89 21,336.08 23,795.81 45,131.89 . 22,242.86 22,889.03 45,131.89 23,l88el9 21,943.70 45,131.89 '24,l'l3.68 20.958.21 45,131.89 25,201.05 19,930.84 45,131.89 26,272,10 18,859.79 45,131,89 27,388.66 17;743.23 45,131.89 28,552.68 16,579.21· 45,131.89 29,766.17 15,365.72 45,131.89 31,031.24 14,100.65· 45,131.89 32,350.06 12,781.83 45,131.89 33,724.93 11;406.96' 45,131.89 35,158.25 9,973.64. 45,131.89 36,652.48 8,479.41 45,131.89 38,210.20 6,921.69 45,131.89 39,834.13 5,297.76. 45,l31o89 41,527.09 3,604.80. 45,131.89 43,291.98 1,839.91. 45,131.89 ijJ;6oo,ooo.oo $302 9 637o80 $902,637.80