BYLAW - Appoint a Deputy Cerk and Deputy Treasurer - 19510813 - 110351BY-LAW NUMBER !ltJ j OF THE MUN.rCI:PAL OORPORATION OF TEE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW TO APIDINT A DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY TREASURER FOR THE CO.l!IlORATION OF THE TOliN OF A lliDRA • !l!HERRFQRE TEE MUNICIPAL OOUNCIL OF THE CORIDRATION OF TEE TOW.H OF AURORA ENACTS .AS FOLLOWS; (1) That Helen Dickson be and she is hereby appointed Deputy Clerk and ·Deputy Treasurer for the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. (2) That the said Helen Dickson shall perform all the duties of a Deputy Clerk and or Deputy Treasurer as are authorized and required by The Mmioipal Aot. (3) That the said Helen Diokson shall also assist the Clerk am Treasuret' in the pet'formanoe and carrying out of the duties which are usually performed and carried out by a 1\Wlicipal Clerk and by a Municipal Tr&asure:~t· pln'suant to the provisions of The Ml:micipal Act or to any other Act or Acts or otherwise. ( 4) That before entering upon the duties of the said offices she shall give such security as may be acceptable to the Council in t lB amount of ¢/ () , ~ D>llars for the due and faithful performance and carrying out of ~duties of the said offices and particularly for the duly accoun;V~r and pey-ing over all ~ monies that may coma into Ait hands and the sufficiency of such security shall be examined and reported upon by the Auditor or Auditors to the Council in each and every year. (5) That the said Helen Dickson shall asswne and take over the duties of the said offices fortnvith after the passing of this By-law. ( 5) That the said Helen Dickson shall be paid for the perfor- '' ··':"•'"~ ·--- ' "i ': -~~· ···--~~-~. ~·-·· ~2- mance an~ carryi!lg out of hex> duties aforesaid the sum of "i ,.,ye Dollars ( $ -.;":> ) , pa,yable weekly. (7) All by-laws or part or parts of any by-law inconsistent with this By-law are hereby repealed. tZc. .,. .. .e~­ READ A F.J:1lST AHD SECOND 1'111E THIS /),d DAY OF~. 1951• !READ A THillD TIME AND PAS~D THIS /U a< ·~··.J .llAY OF ~. 1951. ~\