BYLAW - Amend By law 1000 - 19510219 - 108951I ,~~ ~~ \-~~ BY-LAW NUMBER /t:Jtf''J REPEALEO,SEE ~ BY-LAW NO .. ..,c::.,t,;:~, .. ?.;;' of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1000 OF THE SAID CORPORATION, WHEREAS By-Law Number 1000 of the said Corporation provides for the establishment of a Recreation Commission under the provisions of The Municipal Act, AND WHEREAS the said By-Law Number 1000 was amended by By-Law Number 102 0 of the Corporation, AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to. further amend the said By-Law Number 1000, as amended by By-Law Number 10.20. THEREFORE THE AlliNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:- 1. THAT paragraph 2 of the said By-Law Number 1000, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words 11 fi ve members, comprising the Chairman of the Social and sanitation Committee" in the fourth and fifth line and inserting in lieu thereof the words "seven members, comprising a representat- i ve 11 and by striking out the wordc~ "and" in the seventh line and by adding after the word "associ at ion 11 in the eighth line the words "Aurora Ministerial Association and of the Aurora Public School Board" and by striking out the period at the end of the said paragraph and adding thereto the following words "and regular appointments to be made in January of each year", so that the said paragraph shall now read as follows:- "2, That a local committee to be known as Aurora Recreation Commission (hereinafter referred to as "The Commission") be and the same is hereby constituted, such Commission to be composed of seven members, comprising a representative of the Aurora Town Council and a representative of eac~ of Aurora Board of Trade Aurora Lions Club, Canadian Legion Branch 3B5 Aurora, Aurora Home and School Association, Aurora Ministerial ~ Association and of the Aurora Public School Board. The members of each of these organizations shall be appointed by Resolution of the Aurora Town Council, two of whom shall hold office until December 31st, 1948, or until their successor shall have been appointed, and two of whom shall hold office until December 31st, 1949, or until their successor shall have been appointed. All persons appointed to the Commission·after 2. hereby - 2 ..; December 31st,. 1948, shall hold office for .. a period of two years~' and regular appointments to ne made 1n January uf each year." THAT the following paragraphs be. and the. same are added to the said By-Law Number 1000, as amended:- 14. THAT a Community Recreation Council to be known as "Aurora Community Recreation Council" be and the same is hereby constituted, such Recreation Council to be composed of one appointee from each organization represented on the Commission. Each appointee shall hold office during the year of such appointment. 15. shall first THE Aurora Community Becreation Council appoint a Chairman and a Secretary at its meeting in e.ach year. 16• THE duties of the Aurora Community Recreation ~ Council shall be of an advisory character, to study and consider the requirements of the Community with regard to training in physical fitness and recreation of persons within the meaning of the Regulations under The Department of Education Act and to make recommendation to the Commission. 17. MEETINGS of the Aurora Community Recreation ~ b coun?1t.hl ma~tbeChcaliled at anby tthimeC,hb~ writtfentnhotice, ·. y e1 er 1 s a rman or y e a1rman o e Commission.· 3. THIS'by,-law shall· come into force and take effect on the day of its final passing• DATED at the Council Chambers, Aurora, this / 7 day of 1951. PASSED at the Council Chambers, Aurora, this I'? day of 1951• ~r~ :MAYOR CLERK