BYLAW - Authorize the Construction of Sanitary Sewers on Gurnett Street - 19480610 - 100248BY-LAW MJMBER /00 :2.___ of the MUnicipal Corporation of the Town' of Aurora. BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SE\VERS ON GtlRNETT STRi'~ET FROM COlmA.UGHT AVENUE TO KENNEDY STREEr, EAST, Al'ID A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED FEET WEST- ERSLY ALONG KENNEDY STREm EAST. ~S at least two-thirds in number of the owners represent- ing at least one half of the value of the lots liable to be specially assessed and others have petitio~d the Council to construct, as a local i:mprovellEtnt, the work hereinafter described, and the Clerk has certified that the petition is sufficient. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to grant the prayer of the Petition. in manner hereinafter provided. THERE.EURE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COl!PORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS JJOLLOWS: l. That sanitary sewers, having a sectional area of inches, be eonstructed on Gurnett Street from Connaught Avenue to. Kennedy Street, East, ,a,J. and a distance of Two Hundred Feet along Kennedy Street East, as a local improvement )(}f under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. 2o That Messrs. Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin be and they are herebY appointed the ~nears to forthwith :make such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish such in:tbrmation as :may be necessary for the Jnaking of a contract for the execution of the work. 3. The work shall be carried on ani executed under the superintendence./!' the directions and orders of uuch engineers. ~ and according to 4. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract for the construction of the work to be :made and entered into with some person or :tarsons, firm· .t)... or corporation subject to the approval of this Council to be declared by Resolution. ~I ~------------··----~----~- .... ' ... . ---·----- -2..;. 7. The debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to p~ for the cost of the work when completed shall bear interest at such rate as the Council may determine and be, made payable within twenty years on the instalment plan. e •. Any perron whose lot is specially assessed may commute for a pay- ment in cash the special rates imposed thereon by paying the portion of the cost of construction assessed upon such lot, without the assessment roll has been certified by the Clerk, interest,ferthwith after the special~ and at any time thereafter by tlf~ the payment of such sum as when invested at four :r;ercent. per annum will provide an annuity sufficient to pay the special rates for the unexpired portion of the term . as they fall due. Passed at the Council Chambers, Aurora, this /OT? day of JiANG 1948. MAIDR