BYLAW - Assessment By law - 19261004 - 60626A tJ assessTo for Town purposes," for County purposee Pu bli c School HILgh School purposes, High School Debentures, Leather Co. Debentures, fi Collie Cockrill Debentures Consolidated Debt Debentures Local Improvement n . Debentures and GoodRoad Debentures, (1) THAT there be levied and collected from. the .property rated on the last revised s e ent Rolf: the sum o x s .y 3 1 r r , a for °°see e a being provided for by re ofn..... r rf� _ Mills and mill in to dollar of to property rated on the aforesaid Roll, (2) A further hr sum of Nine thousaxid two hundred axid sl*X'ty and t75/1-0, 0 9 • `f dollars levy. - collected from the property rated one the aforesaid Roll for County purposes, said sum being Provided for by a rate of Six mills and two tenths of a mill in the dollar of the property rated the aforesaid Roll.. (3), That a further sum of Fifteenthousand levi.ed an from the prop r e ty rated on the aforesaid Roll for Public School purposes, e` sum beingr vded for by a r ,t - of Ten mills 9xid four hundreth. mill in the dollar of the property, rated oa the aforesaid (4) THAT t r sum 1 of F*ve t housanddollars evi.ecollected f from the property rated the aforesaid Roll for High Schoolpurposes, n SLaid a 'being provided for by a rate ree mills 9xid thirty i. hundreths of a ilk in l r of the propertyrated on theaforesaid Roll, (5) THAT a further sum of Five thousand si.x hunire sixty ' - r and 5 dollars be levied axid, collectedFrom the property rated o the n aforesa*d Rolle t r i accrued interest on High ens ree e- bed.providedfor rate of Threee 9xid eight t tenths of a ml.JLJL in the dollar of theproperty rated on e aforeSLai I- A_ thereon, said sum being provided for by a rate of fifty three hundreths of a mill on the dollar of the property rated on the aforesaid Rollo THAT a further sum of One thousand two hundred and three axid 651 At dollars be levied axyid collected from the property rated on the resw* said Roll f or the payment of the Collie Cockrill Debenture No 14 interest thereon, said sun being provided for by a rate of Eight tenths of a mill in the dollar of the proper rated on the aforesaid Rollo 'Oty thre :and 18/100 THAT a further sum­zvi:­*'Three ­h e-d and Af e llars be levied and collected from the property rated on the afore.,. said Roll for the payment of the Consolidated Debt Debenture No. 17 9xid erl.7,t -v interest thereon, said sum being provided fo r by a. rate of t �fi . e Y hunfreths, of a mill 'in the dollar of tbe property rated on ikenafore. S &i. d-, Roll, THAT a further sum of Three hundred -and sixty seten and 95/100 dollars be levied and collected from the property rated c aforem- YN, -rAterest I a dip s id 9611 fc, r the, J�ayrr----nt u. cmjnt Walk Debenture Np 15 and i thereon, said sum being provided for by a rate of. twenty If'ive hundreths of ILI ar of d Ra! a m *111 in V2 e da - '--he property rated on thf,_1.,, tisaito Y nine Ari32/100 THAT a further sum of Twelve hundred and six-171d _.(10) ,,, eaaforesaid dallars be lev 'led vid collected from the property r-�t e d oi. i th ;ILI / � - Roll for the payment Local Improvement Debenture Np 11 and *interest thereon, said sum being provided for by a rate of eighty one hundrethe of a mill -in the dollar of the property rated on the aforesaid Roll, (11) THAT.a further sum of Two thousand two hundred and sixty four and rated on the aforesaid Rolli I d (12) That, a further sum of One thousand six hundred and siJxty f ive, 22/100 dollars be levied and collected from the property rated on the oadDntuNo 4 Wellin gton he payment of Good R s ebere aforesaid Roll for t Street East and interest thereon, said sum being provided for by a r a t1q one mi*U and thirteen hundredths h r of theprop— erty rated on thefor 1-13) THAT a further sum of Five hundred atid forty94/1-00 dollars be lfrom the propertyrated on. the afore— saidr the payment of Good Roads Debenture No 2 WellingtonBuse West and I ► hr said sum being prov�sr+rte of ,+ thi rty sih r h .l.L i the dollar of h propertyrated on the aforesa i*d Roll. 114) That a spec * rate , r foot be set out in schedulesattached to the Collectors Roll of thicipalityfor the year 1926 for Good ra4-w fRoads on Yonge Street axid Wellington Street East axid mast be incor €. ... ted in the Collectors l and collected in the same manner as other