BYLAW - Assessment By law - 19261004 - 60626A tJ
assessTo for Town purposes," for County purposee Pu bli c School
HILgh School purposes, High School Debentures, Leather Co. Debentures,
Collie Cockrill Debentures Consolidated Debt Debentures Local Improvement
. Debentures and GoodRoad Debentures,
(1) THAT there be levied and collected from. the .property rated on the
last revised s e ent Rolf: the sum o x s
r r ,
for °°see e a being provided for by re ofn.....
rf� _
Mills and mill in to dollar of to
property rated on the aforesaid Roll,
(2) A further hr sum of Nine thousaxid two hundred axid sl*X'ty and t75/1-0, 0
9 •
`f dollars levy. - collected from the property rated one the aforesaid
Roll for County purposes, said sum being Provided for by a rate of Six
mills and two tenths of a mill in the dollar of the property rated
the aforesaid Roll..
(3), That a further sum of Fifteenthousand levi.ed an
from the prop r
e ty rated on the aforesaid Roll for Public School purposes,
e` sum beingr vded for by a r ,t - of Ten mills 9xid four hundreth.
mill in the dollar of the property, rated oa the aforesaid
(4) THAT t r sum 1 of F*ve t housanddollars evi.ecollected
from the property rated the aforesaid Roll for High Schoolpurposes,
SLaid a 'being provided for by a rate ree mills 9xid thirty i.
hundreths of a ilk in l r of the propertyrated on theaforesaid
(5) THAT a further sum of Five thousand si.x hunire sixty ' -
r and
dollars be levied axid, collectedFrom the property rated o the n
aforesa*d Rolle t r i accrued interest on High
ens ree e- bed.providedfor
rate of Threee 9xid eight
tenths of a ml.JLJL in the dollar of theproperty rated on e aforeSLai
thereon, said sum being provided for by a rate of fifty three hundreths
of a mill on the dollar of the property rated on the aforesaid Rollo
THAT a further sum of One thousand two hundred and three axid 651
At dollars be levied axyid collected from the property rated on the resw*
said Roll f or the payment of the Collie Cockrill Debenture No
interest thereon, said sun being provided for by a rate of Eight tenths
of a mill in the dollar of the proper rated on the aforesaid Rollo
'Oty thre :and 18/100
THAT a further sumzvi:*'Three h e-d and Af e
llars be levied and collected from the property rated on the afore.,.
said Roll for the payment of the Consolidated Debt Debenture No. 17 9xid
interest thereon, said sum being provided fo r by a. rate of t �fi . e
hunfreths, of a mill 'in the dollar of tbe property rated on ikenafore.
S &i. d-, Roll,
THAT a further sum of Three hundred -and sixty seten and 95/100
dollars be levied and collected from the property rated c aforem-
I a dip
s id 9611 fc, r the, J�ayrr----nt u. cmjnt Walk Debenture Np 15 and i
thereon, said sum being provided for by a rate of. twenty If'ive hundreths
of ILI ar of d Ra! a m *111 in V2 e da - '--he property rated on thf,_1.,, tisaito
Y nine Ari32/100
THAT a further sum of Twelve hundred and six-171d
,,, eaaforesaid
dallars be lev 'led vid collected from the property r-�t e d oi. i th
/ �
Roll for the payment Local Improvement Debenture Np 11 and *interest
thereon, said sum being provided for by a rate of eighty one hundrethe
of a mill -in the dollar of the property rated on the aforesaid Roll,
(11) THAT.a further sum of Two thousand two hundred and sixty four and
rated on the aforesaid Rolli
I d
(12) That, a further sum of One thousand six hundred and siJxty f ive,
22/100 dollars be levied and collected from the property rated on the
oadDntuNo 4 Wellin gton
he payment of Good R s ebere
aforesaid Roll for t
Street East and interest thereon, said sum being provided for by a r
a t1q
one mi*U and thirteen hundredths h r of theprop—
rated on thefor
1-13) THAT a further sum of Five hundred atid forty94/1-00
dollars be lfrom the propertyrated on. the afore—
saidr the payment of Good Roads Debenture No 2 WellingtonBuse
West and I ► hr said sum being prov�sr+rte of
rty sih r h .l.L i the dollar of h propertyrated
on the aforesa i*d Roll.
114) That a spec * rate , r foot be set out in schedulesattached to
the Collectors Roll of thicipalityfor the year 1926 for Good
fRoads on Yonge Street axid Wellington Street East axid mast be incor €.
... ted in the Collectors l and collected in the same manner as other