BYLAW - Assessment By law - 19250831 - 59325LL That a further sum of Fifteen thousula dollars oe levied -xia co." ectdd from the property rated on the aforesaid Roll for Public School pur— Poses,said sum being provided for by a rate of Teri mills wid two, of a mill in the dollar uf the property rated ori the afuresaicL Roll. .�.�' (4) That a further sum of Teri thousand dollars be levied aaid coli-Lected t rp from the property rated on the afo res aid Roll fo r High School. pu' o,,.s es said sum being provided for Uy a rate of Six M1,118 -mid eiiths. of mill in the dollar of the property rated on the af oresai"CL Roll That a further sum of Twerity nine, hundred and fourteen and 91/100 dollars be levied wid collected from the property rated on th6 aforee h School Debentures F .. a "d sum beo ed for by a rate of Two mills Iri the dollar of l.. aforesaidthe 'property rated on the hundred(6) That a further sum of Eight ' 45/100111(101-1 . - .. O n the afores-ald Roll t" e property rated- levied arid collected Debenture 13 purposefor the of.paying the Collis Leather . . .. i s