BYLAW - Appoint Supervisor - 19220403 - 54222BY -L A N 0 5 %+ To appoint a Supervisior for the Town of Aurora. W H E R E A S it is expedient that a Supervisior should be t. np appointed for the Town of Aurora. ti!Ii _ BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora:- 1 That C. A. Petch oe and he is hereby appb.irrted Supervisior in and for the Town of Aurora and that the said C.A.Petch shall be paid the sum of, dollars for his services per annumnQ(exclusive of all and any emoluments which come to him in the discharge of his duties as Town Clerk) arid that the said sum shall be paid to the said C. A.Petch weekly by order of the Mayor on the Treasurer of the said Corporation of Aurora. 2 That the duties of the said C.A.Petch shall be as follows: - As Supervisior it shall be his duty to oversee all Corporation work, to hire and dismiss all transient employees on the approval ( of the chairman of the department, for which the work has been 'done That the purchase of all supplies be dome through his department. That all monies due the Corporation for l.}ght,Power Qy Water, Taxes etc.be paid at the Treasurers offi�hat he act irr an advisory capacity to the other Constables in the 'Town employ, 3 That the Supervisior appointed under this By-law on refusing or neglecting to perform arty of the duties under this By-law, or Mayor, or 'Council, shall ue suspended by the Mayor or acting Mayor \�^ who shall report to the Council, and if the offence is satisfact C � orly proved it shall be the legal rightof the Council to dismiss the Supervisiur from office and he shall riot receive any remunera- tion during the time of such suspension or have any claim whatever against the Town, or Council, of turorain regard to such dismissal without previous notice, Should the said C.A.Petch or the Towri; wish to terminate the services of the said C.A.Petch this may be i done by either party giving notice in writing to the other, I i L one month previous to the date when said services are to be ter— minated. 4_ This By—law shall come into force and effect on the. / day of ° 1922.- C5 That all By—laws incoisistant with this By—law are.hereby ' repealed. PASSED THIS ,j DAY OF A. D. 1922. Clerk. Mayor. I j 1 ,l a I\ 1.