BYLAW - Appoint Assistant Engineer, Constable and Supervisor - 19190909 - 494192That the dut'e a of the sa'd F'sher Dunham shall be as follows
That as Aegistvit Rigineer he sh all at aI.L times be under the diorect
control of the Chiel Engineert Mayor, wid Chairman of staxiding com--*
mittees and 'in case of,a fire he shall proce'ed xt once to the Pumping
station to render such ass*stwice to the Chief Etigaoneer as may be
required: As Constable he shall at all t imes be -alert to preserve
the peace arid good order 'in the sa,_id Town of Aurora and when so- requea"
sted by the Mayor he shall measure wood -wid weigh coal As Supervlsior,,
at shal-I be his duty under the direction of the chairmaxi of the road
arid bridge committee to keep the streets walks etc.,iori proper relpaire
3 That the Person named in this Bymolaw shall not absent himself
from his dutioes, Which are understood to oe coritiorlous without the
consent of.the Mayore
4 That the. Assissant algineer, Constable axid. 9,upervisior appointed