BYLAW - Borrow Money - 19150111 - 40115B Y -L A W N 0 TO AUT110R1"r`B THFI. MA'.Y.M.. A11D MuEA1,M FM TC-) BOTMOT MCNTAY- T 0 IIMT JL r*"TTPnRYT OF T11]!A URATIOUT U-"`TITj TH7�j TsIXES ARI! PAID W I I T-1j E A S R It is desirab]-e to cive the ldia'rfror and 'nJ anthor*tg to borrow sufficient money to meet the current expenalTnre o.Ai- he 7141unicipality i n u rscuanoe of the 11"viii pal Act Of -1 T 71J, 174 7 74. F 0 7- R 1 THri-4: 1J,711I C I'DI-Al COMIC IT, OF 7711 707M OF A77ROTRA RTTACrPS S. J '4 r 0 ITS F 0774 ,. : ja t . he Ila Ist. That 'vo r an'cl Treasurer of the Tom of e and ther 2-,re hereb-rr emtho-r-*[r7-p. d f-,% borrov-.v on tne credit of this 'Jorporation o-'L* t11-Le 'T:0%vn'o1...,1 Aurora from. any bank- or banks -,person o r p e, r, n s the c- -fa o r f-mr1r, tv so -ui- no 4- axe eerl Ir the who 1 e the s ur-q f dollars to "neet the --rvent expenditure o+ 1 r the o vv n -ii n t I t1i p I s f-,- ca "I d a r (I t o -notes o-P n. Wce anCe rcmsor7 rotor te(-orat tdiva pisTe tiornior,heream J froM t* A -r;-ore, am� to -1^ o new the same 1 n, o. t o t i jr e a $n ay be necessary it .4- ar, o s i un uhe said pronissorTr note notes and renevifnls as such M4 a o r f).na Treasn-lser on beh'alf of V-1:.p. Corporat ioyl and a f f 1' x the -'^roratp. seal thereto. A H.L D.4,.y 7 P;LJTTIAPY A. D, 19 1,15. All C LE4471Z 1 YOR L