BYLAW - Appoint Highschool Trustee - 19130113 - 36113BY LAW NO.d /........
-/, To appoint a High School Trustee for the Town of Aurora for the
)7i / years 1913, 1914 and 1915.
W H E R E A S it is necessary txxapj;x#aix for Municipal
Councils where High Schools are situated to pass bylaws annually
to appoint a trustee for such School;-
/Vr BE I T THERE FORE ENAG TEDby the Municipal
Council of the Town of Aurora as follows;-
1st. That �-� 9 ZI�6� be and he is hereby appoin
ted High School Trustee for the Town of Ankara for the years
- 1913, 1914, and 1915
Passed this Thirteenth day of �'�j—
January L. L.wll�
/ �^L Clerk