BYLAW - Authorize Loan to Build Tannery to manufacture Leather - 19120104 - 34312z- 11 s BY- LAW NO„ .. ".-610..4. . BEING A BY.LAyu TO AUTHORIZE THE LOAN OF(y0I01000) TEN' THOUSAND DOLLARS TO uBALTER COLLIS, FORMERLY OF THE TO'.M OF 10VMARKET BUT NOW OF THE CITY OF ROOHESTER21K THE STATE OF NEW YORKJIFOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING A SITE AND ERECTING THEREON A BUILDING FOR A TANNERY I17THE TOWN OF AURORA TO MANUFACTURE,LEATHER.# G AREAS the said Walter Collis bas applied to the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora,, amongst other things® for a loan of MO'000) Ten thousand dollars upon the security, of a mortgage on the landmachinery and plant to be hereafter purchased and erected in the said Town of Aurora, for the purpose of dialing the said Walter Collis or a Company which the said party proposes to have incorporatat'�Q/`�' under theLawsof 0 tario'' ,,��,,,�,/ as set out in d Agreement,to purchase a site, eat thereon a IkX building and instal therein machinery and plant for the manufact— ure and sale of leathern AND 7HEREAS the said Agreement contains a clause that the same is to be superseded imned.iately after the incorporation of the proposed company by an agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora and the proposed Company'�when incorporated'to the effect of the said agreement AND WHEREAS the said Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora has deemed it expedient and in the interests of the rate— payers of the said Town to loan the said sum of ($10,a000) Ten thousand dollars to the said Walter Collis for the purposes aforesaid# AND 77HEREAS the said Walterm Collis has agreed to repay the said loan when it matures and alsotopay the interest there" on each year when the same falls due* AND 17HEREAS it will be necessary for the purpose of raising the said loan to issue Debentures of the Said Municipal Corporation for the said sum of ($I01000) Ten thousand dollars ,i payable in five years from the date hereinafter mentioned for this Bylaw to come into foree,with interest payable at the rate of five percent per annum as hereinafter set outs AND 101HEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Municipal. Corporation of the Town of Aurora,according to the last assessment roll is (0535230*00) Five hundred and thirty five thousand,Two hundred and thirty dollars. AND IMREAS the amount of the existing Debenture debt of the said Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora is (035,436*64) Thirty five thousand four hundred and thirty- six* ...... 64 dollars* of which no part either of principal or interest is in arrear, TIEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of c the Town of Aurora enacts as follows;" I. That a Than of Ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is hereby granted to Falter Collis,formerly of the Town of New- market but now of the City of Rochester in the State of New York for the purposes aforesaid, and that it shall be lawful for the Corporation of the Town of Aurora to issue Debentures of the 1� said Municipality for the said amount the same to be issued in py, sums not less than One hundred dollars ($100*00) each" payable on the expiration of the five years from the date of this Bylaw taking effects 2, That the Mayor of the said Municipal Corporation be and he is hereby authorized and instructed t6 sign and issue the said Debentures (which shall be marked and known as the " Tannery Debentures") and the interest coupons (if any) attached-theretoand:- ttu cause the same also to be signed by the Treasurer of the said. Municipality* 3, That the said Debentures shall be in sums of not less than One hundred dollars (0100,00) each and the Clerk .of the said Municipality tls hereby authorized and instruct- I Wit ed to attz.ch the Corporate seal of the said Municipality to the .3. said Deb6nture which shall be payable within five years from the date hereinafter mentioned for the Bylaw to come into effect, That the said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five percent,per annum , the first payment of interest to be made on the first day. of August A,D.I9II and annually thereafter on the first day of August in each and every year except the last year when the interest is to be paid on the first day of March Nineteen hundred and sixteeno 4* During the currency of the said Debentures ,there shall be raised annually by s]reoial rate do all.the rateable property in the said Town of Aurora, the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500,00) for.peyment of interest on the said Debentures 50 During the year Nineteen hundred and sixteen, there shall be raised by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Town of Aurora the sum of 'Ten thousand doll*rs (,0I0,000) for payment of the said Debentures, in the % event of the said Walter Collis or the Company to be hereinafter incorporated, faili or_ nexle of ins" +n the same day, to take the votes of the qualified voters of the said Municipality on the said By-law* The places for taking the said votes and the Deputy Returnnng Officers of the several Wards of the said Town shall respectively be as follows; North Ward, Polling place ----Nelsons Blacksmith Shop, Deputy Returning Officer -• ----- Yonge - Streetq --------- Centre Ward,polling place-- -Council Chamber*, Deputy. Returning officers =•cln-------------- South Turd polling place ----- /Tiillon�sShop,Yonge street Deputy .Returning of£icerM=' ==� ---- ____ -_ C; -4y Lf On day of Decem er 1910 t the hour of eight o'clock in the evening at the y er of the said Town/ the Mayor shall appoint in writing the persons to attend at the Polling places and at the final summing up of the votes on (/ behalf of the persons intere-sted in and promoting or opposing respedtively, the passing of this By0lawo That the Clerk of the said Municipality shall attend at Ilk. the Council Chamber in the said Town at Twelve o'clock noon on wednesday,tbe Fourth day of January I91I to sum up the votes given for and against the By-law* A,