BYLAW - Nomination By law - 19110213 - 33511BY -LAW N o. �
To provide for the Nomination Councillors and School Trustees to
be held at the same time and place as the Nomination of Mayor and
�y Reeve and to provide for the Nomination of Mayor, Reeve Couneillori
and Public School Trustees to beheld at the hour of Seven thirty
o':olo€sk in the evening instead of the hours and times mentioned in
the Xluhicipal Act.
MILRE4S the Councils of Incorporated Towns may by by -Law
provide for the Nomination of Mayor Reeve Councillors and School
Trustees to be held at the same time and place &ct
THERUGHE THE COUNCIL of the Town of Aurora enacts as
1. That the Nomination of Reeve,, Councillors and Public School
Trustees shall be held at the same time and place as Mayor.
2. That the Nomination of Mlayor, Reeve; Councillors and Publ*q
School Trustees shall be 414 in the Town Hall at seven thirty q'olc
in the evening instead of the time mentioned in the Municipal Act.
3 That in ease a poll is demanded by any elector or Candidate at
the Nomination of Candidates for the office of Mayor* Reeve( Council
lors or Publics School Trustees for this Municipality for the year
1912 the election shall take place and be held in the several ;arde
of the Municipality as provided for by Bylaw# that is to say;-
IN THE CENTRE WARD# The Council Room,
THE 3oUTIJ ?BARD, 'l lsons Shop
5. That the fallowing persons are hereby appointed to act as Deputy
Returning Officers and Poll Clerks to hold any Municipal or School
School election required to be held in the several Wards as follow
for the year 1912. 8 ��
In the North card Opeld ,. `
In the Centre ';;ard nG
In the South "'ard R b
By Law Ho
;;.. .. To amend Bylay No 328 of this :Suniaipality.
w I I E R E A S it is found necessary to amend By4law No 428 of thi.
Ba it therefore enacted by the XunicipaIIA y of Aurora that Byle
Ho 328 of this STunidtpali y U "a ; the same "be cd is hereby amejAlid
striking out the name of nrCharles Vebster in.t'ka .first line of
the First olause and substituting the name of Alfred 1ove,o
Passed this thirteenth day of
February 1911.
Clerk Mayor
S H. Lundy