BYLAW - Appoint Assessor - 19120205 - 33911B Y - i, A ,. No
To appoint an Assessor for the Town of Aurora for the year 1912.
i; II L i S it is necessary that na n assessor should be alpoi
nted for the Town of aurora for the year 1912
BE I T TIIER'r: FO??E I:NAC TI D by theT?unicipal
Council of the Town of Aurora;
That Charles Albert Fetch be and is hereby appointed :"assessor
for the To,nn of Aurora for the year 1912.
Passed this fifth dw of February 1912
Clerk iatayo r
BY -LA7 N 0�ad
To appoint a Court of `revision for the Town of Aurora for
the year 1911.
Nhereas it is necessary to appoints A Court of Revision
to revise the Assessment Roll
Be it therefore Enacted by the Council of the Corporatin
of the Town of Autora
Ist. That the Mayor and Councd.11ors
be and they are hereby appointed members of the Court of R
Revision for the Town of Aurira for the year 19II/
2Yd That :kixNxaxnagd the first session of the said Court shall -I'le-Id
n the Council Room on :!5- day of
I9II at the hour of O'clock in the Evening
Passed this 27th day of May 19II.