BYLAW - Appoint Assistant Engineer, Constable and Suprevisor - 19100404 - 32604Y- Z A w X 0. 32JO '(�' To appoint an Assistant Engineer, Constable, and zk Supervixi sor for the Town of Aurora. YV H E R E A S it -is expedient that an Assistant Engineer, Constable and Supervisor should be appointed for the Town of Aurora;. Be it therefore Enacted by the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora;- Ist. That Fisher Dunham be and is herebjs appointed Assistant Engine Engineer, Constable, and a Supervisor in and for the Town of Aurora and that "the //said Fisher Dunham shall be paid the sum of Do Lars" for his services per Annum ( exclusive Of all fees and emoluments which may come to him in the discharge of his duties as Constable) and that the said sum shall be paid to the i said Fisher Dunham weekly by order of the Mayor on the Treasurer of the said Corporation of Aurora. 2nd. That the duties of the said Fisher Dunham shall be as follows- ! that as Assistant Engineer he shall at all times be under the direct control of the Chief Engineer, Mayor and Chairman of standing Com- mittees and in case of a fire he shall proceed at once to the pumping station to render such assistance to the Chief Engineer as may be required;.. As Constable he shall at all times be allert to p G reserve the peace and good order in the said town of Aurora and when so requ ested bjt the chief he shall measure wood and weigh coal;- As x xas�a Supervisor it shall be his duty under the direction i - of the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee to keep the streets "Talks &et in proper repair. /// 3rd. That the person named in this By-law shall not absent himself Q from his duties, which are understood to be continuous without the consent of the Mayor or acting Mayor, 4th. That the Assistant Engineer, Constable and &==iwtgWt^Supervise appointed under this By-law on refusing or neglecting to perform any or of the duties imposed upon him by this By -lave or Mayor, Council, or Chief Engineer or Chief Constable shall be suspended by the Mayor or acting Mayor who shall report to the Council and if the offence be satisfactorily proved it shall be the legal right of and the duty of the Council to dismiss the assistant Engineer, Constable and Supervisor from office and he shall not receive any remuneration duri inIt the time of such suspension or have any claim whatever against the Town or Council of Aurora in regard to such dismissal without previous notic't. Should the said Fisher Dunham or the Town wish to terminate the services of the said Fisher Dunham this may be done by either party giving notice in writing to the other one month previous to the date when said services are to be terminated. 5th. This by-law shall come into force and effect onthe 4th day of April 1910. 6th, That all By-laws inconsistent with this By-law are hereby rjKpxx are hereby repealed,. Passed this Fourth day of April A. D. I9I0. Clerk. i mayor a