MINUTES - Special Council - 20030326 TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL - PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING MINUTES NO. 03-09 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Wednesday, March 26, 2003 ATTENDANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Jones in the Chair; Councillors Griffith, Kean, MacEachern, Pedersen and Wallace Councillors Timpson, Vrancic and West were absent. STAFF MEMBERS Deputy Clerk, Director of Planning, Planner and Council/Committee Secretary. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as presented. CARRIED III PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mayor Jones outlined the procedures that would be followed in the conduct of the public meeting. The Deputy Clerk confirmed that appropriate notice had been given and that signs had been posted on the subject properties in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Planning Act. Aurora Special Council – Public Planning Minutes No. 03-09 Page 2 Wednesday, March 26 2003 1. PL03-032 - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Subdivision Applications Chilldan (Aurora) Limited Part of Lot 86, Concession 1, W.Y.S. West of Yonge Street and North of St. John’s Sideroad Files D09-01-03, D14-01-03 and D12-03-1A Planning Staff The Planner gave a description of the application and summarized the contents of the Planning Report No. PL03-032. The Planner advised that the applicant is proposing to have the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amended, in order to develop the subject lands for a subdivision consisting of 102 single-detached dwelling units, a parkette and open space, a stormwater management block/pond, a future development block and associated roads. The Planner indicated that staff had no objections in principle to the application but indicated that a number of outstanding issues, such as appropriate approvals from the Region of York, road and traffic concerns, the provision of a geotechnical study for the lands, issues related to density and compatibility in relation to the surrounding lands, appropriate road access into the undeveloped lands to the west of the subject lands, grading and drainage. Many other issues, as well as those raised at this meeting, will need to be addressed prior to the site plan approval process. Applicant/Agent Mr. Don Given of Malone Given Parsons Ltd., representing the applicant, advised that the archaeological study could not be conducted until the existing soccer pitches on the property are relocated. Mr. Given advised that the applicant’s proposal will include appropriate fencing to protect the agricultural lands to the north of the area and that the potential owners will be given notice of the agricultural uses to the north, and encouraged to refrain from using any pesticides or environmentally damaging chemicals. Mr. Given also advised that the design will include a buffer of vegetation along the streetscape of St. John’s Sideroad, to maintain the natural setting and to provide privacy for the residents of the proposed development. Mr. Given noted that the issues of grading and drainage should be suitably addressed by the placement of the proposed Stormwater Management block/pond in the north/east corner of the property where the land naturally slopes down to the floodplain area. Mr. Given also advised that there is an existing pond on the south/west corner of the property containing a dam, which is in need of repair, and it was requested that the Town advise the owner of the Town’s preferred course of action with respect to the pond and dam. Public Comments Comments were made from the following people who were in opposition to the application: • Mr. Andrew Dunin, resident of 488 St. John’s Sideroad • Mr. Vladimir Alter, resident of 203 St. John’s Sideroad • Mr. Jeff Allan, resident of 2 Willow Farm Lane Many of the residents raised concerns regarding additional strain on traffic and potential congestion at the entrance into the proposed development, and suggested that other options be looked at to increase the number of access points into the proposed subdivision. Some residents were concerned about the possibility of run-off from the proposed development seeping into the neighbouring farmland and wetlands, which could have a negative impact on the environment. Concerns also included various issues regarding higher density of homes per acre, creating a more crowded and unattractive atmosphere, potential decrease to the value of existing estate homes in the surrounding area, and the potential to lose the natural wild setting of this portion of Aurora. Aurora Special Council – Public Planning Minutes No. 03-09 Page 3 Wednesday, March 26 2003 The public portion of the meeting closed at 8:10 p.m. and Council’s deliberations began. Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor MacEachern THAT the York Region Police be requested to take appropriate measures to monitor traffic along St. John’s Sideroad, between Yonge Street and Bathurst Street, to help diffuse the ongoing problem of speeding. THAT report PL03-032 be received as information and referred back to staff to report back as to the resolution of outstanding issues, as identified in the report and those which were expressed at the meeting, including but not limited to: • Comments from the Region of York and the York Regional District School Board. • Reduction in density of units and increase lot sizes within the proposed development to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area; • Issues relating to grading and drainage onto and off of the subject lands; • Environmental protection measures with respect to pesticides and chemicals and their effect on the surrounding farmland and wetlands. • Adding pedestrian and vehicular access into block 104 for maintenance purposes; • Blocks 104-106 inclusive should be conveyed to the Town; • Consideration of a road connection to the western lands to provide access in the event they are developed in the future; • Increasing the set back of the proposed properties adjacent to the farmlands to the north, and the lands to the west; • Traffic issues relating to pedestrian and vehicular safety, and overall impact on the community; • Investigation into the installation of traffic signals at the entranceway to the proposed development, and lighting along St. John’s Sideroad; • Maintenance, preservation and/or replacement of any lost or damaged trees and vegetation during and subsequent to construction of this development; • Peer review of the Environmental Impact Study; • Environmental impact as a result of the proposed relocation of the soccer pitches; • All other comments received with respect to this proposed development. CARRIED IV ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Griffith THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. CARRIED