MINUTES - Special Council - 19990609 TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING NO. 17-99 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Wednesday, June 9, 1999 7:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Jones in the Chair; Councillors Griffith, Hartwell, Healy, Hinder, Morris (7:15 p.m.) and West. Councillor McKenzie was absent for medical reasons and Councillor Hogg was also absent. STAFF MEMBERS Chief Administrative Officer/Director of Corporate Services, Director of Planning, Director of Building Administration, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Public Works, Fire Chief, Treasurer, and Council/Committee Secretary. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #371. Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor West THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED PRESENTATIONS Gary Scanlan of C.W. Watson and Associates Ltd. confirmed that 3 of the 4 requirements of the Development Charges Act, being a Notice of Public Meeting, the Release of a Background Study and a Statutory Development Charges Act Public Meeting have been met. The final requirement, Council Consideration of Development Charges Act By-law(s) is scheduled to take place on either June 23 or July 21, 1999. Mr. Scanlan gave an overview of the Development Charge Study for the Town of Aurora providing a detailed account of each of the factors and considerations involved in the process of calculating a development charge under the new Act. He then reviewed the population forecast for the Town of Aurora indicating that as the population increases, service standards will be in need of re-evaluation. Services provided by the Town were reviewed and future net growth related costs were estimated. A Development Charge Summary was provided, listing service components town wide separated into residential and non-residential charges. Area specific totals were also provided for Bayview East (2A and 2B areas) and Bayview West (3A area). Mr. Scanlan then provided a summary of the Development Charges and Development Charges “Rules” consisting of 9 points which are required to be developed and incorporated into the Municipality’s Development Charge By-law. M I N U T E S Special Public Council Minutes No. 17-99 Page 2 Wednesday, June 9, 1999 In closing Mr. Scanlan indicated that comparison studies of other Municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area are available upon request. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Don Given of Malone Given Parsons Limited indicated that upon further study and evaluation of the report it was his intent to submit written comments. However Mr. Given did express two concerns. The first concern was in regards to the isolation of service charge calculations for various areas in the Area Specific Water and Sanitary Sewer areas map. Mr. Given expressed the need to open up these services as they are often spread into the different segments shown on the map. Mr. Given indicated that this might result in a more reasonable calculation of Development Charges in these areas. The second point was in regards to the Hydro component of the calculations which amounted to almost 50% of the estimated commercial charge. Mr. Given suggested that it should be taken into consideration that Hydro Services are currently being privatized and hence the private companies will not be able to collect these development charges. If these considerations are taken into account and the Hydro component be removed from the re-calculation of these charges it was predicted that the Municipality would benefit from the results. Mr. Larry Dekkema, of Dekkema Gervais Ltd. indicated that his company is currently developing in the North end of Aurora and he commended the “Town of Aurora Development Charge Background Study” for it’s thoroughness, he also expressed his gratitude to the staff of the Town for their efforts and assistance throughout this process. Mr. Dekkema voiced agreement, on behalf of Dekkema Gervais Ltd. with the concerns voiced by Mr. Given regarding the Hydro element of the Development Charges calculations. STAFF REPORTS TR99-017-142 - Development Charge Public Meeting #372. Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Griffith THAT staff be directed to respond to the comments provided by the members of the public at the June 9, 1999 Development Charges Public Meeting in a report to Council on June 23, 1999. THAT the recommendations set forth in the Development Charges Background study be considered by Council for approval at the June 23, 1999 Council Meeting. THAT a Development Charges By-law based on the Development Charges Background Study be prepared for Council’s consideration at the June 23, 1999 Council Meeting. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT #373. Moved by Councillor West THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:30 p.m. CARRIED ___________________________ ____________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR L. ALLISON, MUNICIPAL CLERK