MINUTES - Special Council - 19970707TOWN OF AURORA
Holland Room East
Aurora Town Hall
Monday, July 7, 1997
COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Jones in the Chair; Councillors Griffith,
McKenzie, Morris, Sorley, Wallace and Weller.
Councillors Healy and Ochalski were absent on
STAFF MEMBERS Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services, Director of Planning, Manager of
Engineering Services, and Administrative Coordinator.
There were no declarations of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
#461. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Morris
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein with the
addition of a delegation request from Malone Given Parsons ltd.
regarding the proposal for the Magna land holdings.
Donald Given. Malone Given Parsons Ltd. on behalf of Magna
re: Bayview East Urban Expansion Area Secondary Plan for Area 2a
Mr. Donald Given, a representative of Magna advised Council that the necessary
materials had been submitted by Magna to the Town's Consulting Team within the
required time constraints for the Magna land development proposal located south of
Wellington Street East. Mr. Given indicated that he was available for questions and
would endeavour to work with the Town's Consultants regarding the issues to be
resolved as part of the Bayview East Urban Expansion Area Secondary Plan for Area
2a. He explained that the Magna Consultants are presently waiting for feedback from
the Town's Consulting Team with respect to the level of work that has been
undertaken to date in this regard and noted that the proposals submitted for the Magna
lands and the properties of the landowners to the south provide for a more complete
picture as part of the Secondary Planning process. Mr. Given concluded that from his
perspective the proposed schedule for the completion of the 2a Secondary Plan could
be achieved within the current term of this Council as contemplated by Council's
consideration of this matter at the Council Meeting held on May 28, 1997. Mr. Given
advised that site visits had been conducted with Members of Council, Staff, and the
Consultants on the Magna lands and extended an invitation for other site visits to be
arranged should this be required.
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Aurora Special Council Minutes No. 27-97
Monday, July 7, 1997
Claudio Brutto. Brutto Consulting on behalf of Polsinelli and
The Cloisters of Aurora. Landowners on Vandorf Sideroad
re: Bayview East Urban Expansion Area Secondary Plan for Area 2a
Page 2
Mr. Claudio Brutto, Brutto Consulting spoke on behalf of the landowners on Vandorf
Sideroad for the Polsinelli property and The Cloisters of Aurora as part of the Bayview
Southeast Secondary Plan.
Mr. Brutto advised that the Polsinelli lands consist of 25 acres located on the northeast
corner Bayview Avenue and Vandorf Sideroad and identified that the subject property
was included within the expanded Aurora urban boundary as part of Official Plan
Amendment No. 17. Mr. Brutto indicated that he was in support of the Secondary
Planning process, and further noted that transportation issues are to be addressed and
that a revised draft plan of subdivision would be submitted for the subject lands.
Mr. Brutto then addressed the Justification Report and Concept Plan prepared for The
Cloisters of Aurora for lands located on essentially the table land south of Magna's
existing race track where urban residential development is proposed. He advised that
on a gross density basis the landowners group's property consist of some 100 acres
and that the table lands owned by their client group consist of approximately 50 acres
and are considered developable. He explained that they have participated in the
preparation of the Draft Secondary Plan being prepared by Magna as it relates
specifically to their client's property, and further have reviewed the Report and are
satisfied with the technical undertakings in this regard and look forward to working
with the Consultants to refine the proposal. Mr. Brutto concluded that his clients are
generally supportive of the comprehensive nature of the Draft Secondary Plan prepared
by the Magna Consultants which would include the table lands of his clients subject
to further review and refinements to be made. He acknowledged the efforts of the
Magna Consultants and the opportunity to use their background information relative
to the Secondary Planning process.
Randy Alcorn. Alcorn and Associates Limited on behalf of
C. Loukras and F. Rankel. Landowners of Part of Lot 15. Concession 2
re: Bayview East Urban Expansion Area Secondary Plan for Area 2a
Randy Alcorn, Alcorn and Associates Limited spoke on behalf of his clients Mr.
Loukras and Mr. Rankel who have a combined land holdings of 74 acres under
separate ownership located on the south side of Vandorf Sideroad east of Bayview
Avenue. Mr. Alcorn distributed for Council Planning Reports dated June 1997 to
provide a planning justification to support the proposed residential developments and
filed a copy of the Reports with the Clerk. Mr. Alcorn explained that the subject lands
are proposed for urban residential development as contemplated in Official Plan
Amendment No. 17 and requested that the lands be included in the proposed
Secondary Plan for Area 2a. He advised of the work done with respect to the
Technical Document and indicated that some refinement would be required for the
Rankel proposal. Mr. Alcorn advised of the submission made to the Consulting Team
for his clients and that he was looking forward to receiving comments in this regard
and further noted that some fine tuning would also be required. Mr. Alcorn concluded
that a conventional residential development is proposed for 50 foot lots that would be
similiar to the development for Fern brook Homes located on the west side of Bayview
Avenue, and identified certain issues including servicing that is to be addressed and
enviromental contraint areas that have been identified. Mr. Alcorn explained that the
proposed development submissions are in keeping with Official Plan Amendment No.
17 subject to some refinement of the land use in the area.
Aurora Special Council Minutes No. 27-97
Monday, July 7, 1997
Page 3
#462. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Morris
THAT the comments of the delegates made by Donald Given, Malone
Given Parsons Ltd. and Claudio Brutto, Brutto Consulting and Randy
Alcorn, Alcorn and Associates Ltd. be received.
PW97-028-203 -Parking Restrictions on Batson Drive
East of Yonge Street and By-law No. 3852-97.T
#463. Moved by Councillor Morris Seconded by Councillor Wallace
THAT Council approve the recommendation to designate the north side
of Batson Drive from Yonge Street to the west property line of #32
Batson Drive as a "No Parking -Anytime" zone;
THAT Council approve the recommendation to repeal the existing "No
Parking -Anytime" restrictions on the south side of Batson Drive from
Yonge Street to Spruce Street;
THAT the Director of Corporate Services be given leave to introduce the
necessary Bill for three readings; and
THAT funds in the estimated amount of $300 be made available from
Account #3007 for the installation of the appropriate signage.
PL97-1 02-204-Bawiew East Urban Expansion Area
Secondary Plan for Area 2a. Progress Report
The Director of Planning provided an overview of Report PL97-102-204 and outlined
key issues respecting the status and additional proposals for the Area 2a Secondary
Plan. The Director of Planning highlighted the submission made by the Magna
Consulting Team who have prepared a Draft Official Plan Amendment that proposed
a land use plan for all of the area south of the Wellington Street Corridor to the
Vandorf Sideroad and the lands at the south east corner of Bayview Avenue and
Vandorf Sideroad; a Concept Plan that would provide for a total of 1800 residential
units and Private Open Space within the Secondary Plan Area; the Land Use Plan
indicates a series of residential areas with a descriptive policy applying to each; and
all of the Open Space within the Secondary Plan area is proposed as private. She
reviewed the Draft Land Use Plan comprised of the Magna residential plan with 450
units on the west side and 250 units on the east side for detached and clustered units
in condominium tenure, an additional 300 units that would be partially on the Magna
lands and partially on the Polsinelli lands that would be developed in a public street
type of concept, approximately 400 units based on the submissions received from the
landowners for The Cloisters of Aurora, and 300 units located on the south side of
Vandorf Sideroad as part of the Loukras and Rankel land holdings as detailed in Figure
1 and Figure 2 of the Staff Report. Council was advised that the Magna Consulting
Team in conjunction with representatives of the other neighbouring landowners have
developed an option that would result in a significant increase in the total number of
residential units compared to the original proposal for the Magna lands, The Director
of Planning explained the normal work plan to carry out a Secondary Plan and that this
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Aurora Special Council Minutes No. 27-97 Page 4
Monday, July 7, 1997
has been a telescoped process in order to meet the timing requirements of Council in
this regard. The Director of Planning asked for Council's direction with respect to the
additional proposals received for the Area 2a Secondary Plan, the private nature of the
community, and certain technical issues.
The Director of Planning introduced Mr. Howard Freidman of HBR Planning Centre and
head of the Town Technical Committee to address certain technical issues on the
matter for Council's consideration. The members of the Consulting Team for the
Town who were in attendance at the meeting introduced themselves.
Mr. Howard Freidman identified that the additional proposals received from the
landowners to the south represents a substantial departure from the matter that was
considered at the May 28, 1997 Council Meeting when the Magna land proposal
originally provided for a total of 500 residential units. He advised that input has been
received from Magna and the adjacent landowners to the south in an attempt to
facilitate this process and that the concept plan is now comprised of approximately
1700 residential units. Mr. Freidman distributed copies of a handout entitled "Items
for Discussion for the Bayview East Secondary Plan 2a" to Members of Council for
discussion purposes as part of this evening's working meeting. Mr. Friedman
addressed certain planning issues including the density of development relating to the
Growth Management Study and Official Plan Amendment No. 17; defining limits of the
Oak Ridges Moraine; the adequacy of the transportation system; the need for school
sites in the Secondary Plan Area; public versus private open space; and the Oak Ridges
Moraine trail system. Mr. Friedman raised concern respecting the impact of the
development submissions received as part of the overall planning issues and asked for
Council's direction with respect to the preparation of the Area 2a Secondary Plan
A member of the Consulting Team for the Town then addressed certain environmental
issues including the technical rationale for refining the limits of the Oak Ridges
Moraine, and the impact of the golf course development on wetland. The Consultant
provided copies of the Wetland Grading Plan prepared for the Magna golf course that
illustrated the wetland grading impact. Mr. Freidman indicated that the balance of the
environmental issues were being worked on in consultation with the proponents.
At this point in the meeting, questions and issues were raised by Council Members
related to the planning processes and proposals including the basis for the initial
Magna land use proposal and now the number of proposals and residential units as part
of the total Concept Plan, planning and environmental issues, density and well planned
residential development in accordance with Official Plan Amendment No. 17, the
impact of the golf course intrusion into the wetland area for the Magna lands, trail
systems, the boundary for the Secondary Plan 2a Area, public open space, schools and
public facilities, the limits of the Oak Ridges Moraine, and the schedule for completion
of the 2a Secondary Plan. There was general support indicated that the proposal for
the Magna lands should continue to proceed subject to review of the number of units
proposed and the provision of enhancement and mitigation measures for the golf
course intrusion into the wetland, and that the additional proposals for the expansion
of the 2a Area were premature at this time.
The Chief Administrative Officer provided a summary of the issues and concerns in
response to the matters discussed by Council at this working meeting including the
boundary for the 2a Area, the golf course concept for the Magna lands relative to a
comprehensive enhancement and mitigation strategy, policies for density, and the need
to continue to address and refine certain planning and environmental issues including
private versus public road systems and trail systems.
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Aurora Special Council Minutes No. 27-97
Monday, July 7, 1997
Page 5
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Wallace
THAT Report PL97-1 02-204 respecting the status and additional
proposals for the Area 2a Secondary Plan be received as information;
THAT the requests for expansion of the 2a Area be deemed to be
premature for fast tracking at this time, but that the existing 2a boundary
be maintained and further defined for policy analysis purposes;
THAT Council reaffirm its intent that Staff and the Consultants be
directed to proceed with the analysis of the Magna proposal including the
transportation and public trail issues leading to the preparation of a Draft
Secondary Plan for the Area 2a lands to be reviewed by Council at a
Special Meeting on August 7th;
THAT the Consultants be requested to examine the planning issues and
impact of the 700 units now proposed for the Magna lands and report
back to Council at the August 7th Special Council Meeting, and further
that policies be prepared to address the overall density of development
for the balance of the 2a Secondary Plan Area;
THAT additional information be sought on potential enhancement and
mitigation measures for the golf course intrusion into the wetland area for
the Magna lands for the August 7th Special Council Meeting; and
THAT Staff and the Consultants be directed to continue to address and
refine all of the other planning and environmental issues as detailed in the
Items for Discussion for the Bayview East Secondary Plan 2a presented
at the July 7th Special Council Meeting.
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following
bill for First Reading:
3852-97.T Being a By-law to amend Parking By-law
No. 3377-92 as amended, with respect to
Batson Drive.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time.
Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following
bill for Second Reading:
3852-97.T Being a By-law to amend Parking By-law
No. 3377-92 as amended, with respect to
Batson Drive.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time.
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Aurora Special Council Minutes No. 27-97
Monday, July 7, 1997
Page 6
#467. Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor Morris
THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following
by-law for Third Reading:
3852-97.T Being a By-law to amend Parking By-law
No. 3377-92 as amended, with respect to
Batson Drive.
AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time.
#468. Moved by Councillor Weller
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:30p.m.