MINUTES - Special Council - 19961218TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 35-96 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Wednesday, December 18, 1996 6:00p.m. II MINUTES II ATTENDANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS STAFF MEMBERS Mayor Jones in the Chair; Councillors Griffith, Healy, McKenzie, Ochalski, Sorley, Wallace and.Weller. Councillor Morris was absent due to illness. Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services, Director of Planning, Director of Building Administration, Director of Public Works, Planning Technician, and Administrative Coordinator. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #696. Moved by Councillor Griffith Secon.ded by Councillor Weller THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED Mayor Jones advised that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application for Bayview Wellington Management Inc., Block 3 on Registered Plan 65M-3072, Blocks 106 and 107 on Registered Plan 65M-3073, application number D 14-33-96. The Public Meeting procedures and the opportunities available for persons to ask questions related to the items tabled for consideration were explained. Mayor Jones advised that any person who wished further notice of the passage of the proposed By- law under consideration could sign the information forms available. In addition, Mayor Jones advised that any concerns with the proposal must be expressed during the public meeting or in writing prior to the adoption by Council of any amendment in order to protect the right to appeal to either the Regi,on or the Ontario Municipal Board. Names and addresses of speakers are required as a part of the record of the proceedings. The Municipal Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for application D 14- 33-96 were mailed on November 28, 1996. The notices were circulated in compliance with the Planning Act, by First Class Mail, to the addresses within 120 metres of the Aurora Special. Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-97 Wednesday, December 18, 1996 Page 2 area shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the proposed By-laws would apply and to every person within 120 metres who provided the Clerk with written notice of change of ownership or occupancy and to every person and public body who provided a written request for such notice. In addition, the necessary signs were posted on the properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act. PLANNING APPLICATIONS PL96-1 24-320 -Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Bawiew Wellington Management Inc .. Block 3. Registered Plan 65M·3072. Blocks 1 06 & 1 07. Registered Plan 65M-3073: D14-33-96 The Director of Planning provided an overview of the subject application. The subject lands consist of three rowhouse blocks abutting John West Way in the Bayview Wellington Subdivision. She explained that in September, 1994, Council adopted a Zoning By-law encompassing many new zoning standards and provisions respecting the Bayview Wellington development. This is a new form of housing that consists of rowhousing with rear yard garages and access lanes. The Secondary Plan provides policies for John West Way aimed at creating a "Main Street" effect by encouraging shallow front yards, with a public ambiance such as outdoor display or sitting areas. The applicants have requested two basic changes to the zone categories that, if approved, would require a number of changes to the existing zone standards. The zoning provisions pertaining to the blocks affected by this application were formulated on the basis that the rear yard access lanes were to be privately owned and maintained. The applicants have stated, however, that they are unable to sell units in light of concerns expressed by respective purchasers about a number of issues including dispute resolution, mechanisms, garbage pick-up, snow ploughing, and eventually infrastructure replacement. If the Town assumes ownership of the lanes, several provisions related to setbacks would require modification. The other change requested relates to the garages themselves to provide that approximately 50% of the units would be permitted to have two car garages. The Director of Planning reviewed the purpose of the application· to permit rear yard lanes to become public, and to increase the number of double garages. She identified a number of issues including urban design, functional, and financial considerations for the subject proposal. Some of the urban design issues were explained and the dimensions for the right-of-way widths for the laneways. The matter of garages was further discussed in terms of double. garages on rear yard increased in number; approximately 50% double garages; improved facade features to alleviate design concerns; and between garages could be a concern functionality of open parking spaces. The matter of public versus private ownership of lanes was also discussed in terms of ongoing maintenance and capital replacement. A number of options were presented for the ownership of the lanes including leave private, accept as public, accept as public with surcharge, leave private with Town service contract, and one time cash payment to cover maintenance and capital replacement. A number of functional issues were identified regarding the lane and pavement widths, setback of garage from travelled portion of lane, lighting locations, and setbacks. It was suggested that all of these issues required detailed review through the site plan process. Staff have proposed a one time cash payment as the preferred option to address the financial impact of the long term ovvnership of the lanes. Council was advised that Staff have no objections from a land use perspective; however, the financial ramifications of assuming the rear lanes have been identified by Staff as a Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-97 Wednesday, December 18, 1996 Page 3 concern. In addition, Staff have no objections in principle to the double garage aspect of the application, however, additional information· is required through the site plan application process in order to address some of the details respecting how the changes proposed could be implemented. Applicant's Comments Mr. Gary Watchorn, the Urban Design Consultant for the applicant advised of the urban design concept for the Bayview Wellington Subdivision. He explained how the rear yard garages and access lanes create a "Main Street" effect. He indicated that prospective purchasers have indicated preference in public laneways and not private laneways, and that there is a market for this form of housing.· Buyers have been concerned about private maintenance costs and right-of-way easements. There has been an increase in the number of tentative offers to sell these housing units with the public lanes concept. He advised of goals and objectives for John West Way, and that safety, security, lighting, and garbage collection issues have been enhanced through the proposed revisions. Mr. Watchorn concluded that this is an urban design concept used in other municipalities for the main street, and the rear yard lanes should be made public, and that the laneways be narrower in width to discourage parking. Mr. John Long, the Transportation Consultant for the applicant explained the intersection df Bayview and Wellington would benefit from a ring road configuration comprised of John West Way and a future equivalent. road in the northeast quadrant of the 'intersection. The elimination of driveways for the townhouse developments is also consistent with urban design objectives for the community. The reconfiguration of John West Way is designed to accommodate transportation movement at a larger scale and not just access to the residential townhouses that front the street. Mr. Long concluded that there should be no additional cost to his client for the operation and maintenance of the rear laneways, and that the lanes be accepted as public. No members of the public were present to address this application. The public portion of the meeting closed at 6:40 p.m. and Council's deliberations began. #697. Moved by Councillor Sorley Seconded by Councillor Healy THAT the application be endorsed in prinCiple as a pilot program; and THAT the implementing Bill be held in abeyance pending resolution of the outstanding issues during the site plan review process. On a recorded vote, this portion of the motion. was CARRIED YEAS: VOTING YEA: VOTING NAY: 7 NAY: 1 Mayor Jones, Councillors Griffith, Healy, McKenzie, Ochalski, Wallace and Weller. Councillor Sorley. Upon the question of the adoption of the balance of the motion - THAT monetary compensation be required in respect of the lane conveyance; and _,-'' --~"- Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-97 Wednesday, December 18, 1996 Page 4 THAT third reading of the implementing Bill be held in abeyance pending resolution of this matter to the satisfaction of the Treasurer which resolution shall include a onetime upfront payment to cover 50% of the long term maintenance costs. On a recorded vote, this portion of the motion was DEFEATED YEAS: VOTING YEA: VOTING NAY: 3 NAY: 5 Councillors Healy, Sorley and Wallace. Mayor Jones, Councillors Griffith, McKenzie, Ochalski and Weller. ADJOURNMENT #698. Moved by Councillor Ochalski THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:12 p.m. CARRIED • -::=!-"ld~~~--::Jt--- T. JOI\l~AYOR-