MINUTES - Special Council - 19960425TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 13-96 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Thu~day,April 25,1996 7:30p.m. II MINUTES . II ATTENDANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS STAFF MEMBERS Deputy Mayor Healy in the Chair; Councillors McKenzie, Morris, Ochalski, and Sorley. Mayor Jones and Councillors Griffith and Wallace were absent on Town business. Councillor Weller was absent. Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services, Director of Planning, Planner, and Recording Secretary. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #252. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Morris THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein with the addition of correspondence from the Region of York Transportation and Works Department for consideration with Report PL96-041-1 01. CARRIED Deputy Mayor Healy advised that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application for Victor Priestly (Aurora Montessori School), Part of Lot 80, Concession 1 EYS, application number D14-05-96; and the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 754326 Ontario Limited, Lots 106 and 107, Registered Plan 246, application number D14c07- 96. \ The Public Meeting procedures and the opportunities available for persons to ask · questions related to the items tabled for consideration were explained and Deputy Mayor Healy advised that any person who wished further notice of the passage of the proposed By-laws under consideration could sign the information forms available. In addition, Deputy Mayor Healy advised that any concerns with either proposal must be expressed during the public meeting or in writing prior to the adoption by Council of any amendment in order to protect the right to appeal to either the Region or the Ontario Municipal Board. Names and addresses of speakers are required as a part of the record of the proceedings. Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 13-96 Thursday, April 25, 1996 Page 2 The Municipal Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for applications D14- 05-96 and D14-07-96 were mailed March 22nd and March 29th, 1996, respectively. These notices were circulated in compliance with the Planning Act, by prepaid First Class Mail, to every person shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora within 1 20 metres of the areas to which the proposed By-laws would apply and to every person within 1 20 metres who provided the Clerk with written notice of change of ownership or occupancy and to every person and public body who provided the Clerk with a written request for such notice. In addition, the necessary signs were posted on the subject properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act. PLANNING APPLICATIONS PL96-040-1 00 -Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Priestly. Victor (Aurora Montessori Schooll. 669 Wellington Street East. Part of Lot 80. Concession I EYS. D 14-05-96 The Director of Planning provided a brief history and overview of the subject site and its location. These lands are currently zoned "Rural (RU) Zone". In 1989, By-law 3135-89 was adopted, which permitted the temporary use of a portion of the property for a private school and placed the balance of the site in a Holding Zone. A further by- law was passed which extended the use for a second three year term. The site has now reverted back to the original Rural Gimeral (RU) Zone. Approval of the requested amendment would permit the continued temporary use of the lands as a private school for an additional three years. The applicant's long term intention is to construct a school on a site they have acquired in the vicinity of Industrial Parkway North and St. John's Sideroad, however, enrolment is not sufficient ·at this time to justify construction. Hence, Ms. Kashani has requested permission to maintain the continued use for a further three year period, the maximum term provided for under the provisions of the Planning Act. An amendment to the site plan agreement was required ·to recognize the existing portable classrooms and minor addition to the parking facilities. It is anticipated that this agreement will be completed in the near future. Although the lands are designated for commercial and open space uses in the Official Plan; given the fact that the school exists, the Planning Department has no objection to a further temporary rezoning for a period not to exceed three years and subject to finalization of the site plan agreement. The applicant was present and available to answer questions. However, Ms. Kashani provided no further input in relation to the application. No members of the public were present to address this application. The public portion of the meeting closed at 7:39 p.m. and Council's deliberations began. #253. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Ochalski THAT Council support the continued temporary use for a further three year period; and THAT third reading of the implementing by-law· be held in abeyance pending completion of the amending site plan agreement. CARRIED ••-~•··~--m··-.--.-'..~o.;~~·~-"~'·~~...:.~~~~-··-·---~--~~••..;_•~-"-·~·•...C.-'~~••--•~·•·•~"<•'<"''-""""'"'~-""<'•=~«;,""'""-"'=~~-<-----·~•-••~--~-~·W-•-•; _ _:,,_,;,.~.---•-•-"-•~---·•_;,.,:.:_;_._~; --•---'•••,.•••-'--~-·••• Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 13-96 Thursday, April 25, 1996 PL96-041 101 Proposed Zoning Byelaw Amendment 754326 Ontario Limited. 160 and 162 Wellington Street East and 1 55 Centre Street. Lots 106 and 1 07. Registered Plan No. 246.North West corner of Wellington Street and Industrial Parkway. D14-07-96 Page 3 Sarah Henstock, Planner, provided an overview of the proposal. The subject lands are currently zoned "Residential Commercial (C7) Zone", which permits the development . of a mixed commercial residential building to a maximum of five storeys including 70 dwellings units on the upper floors with a maximum of 1 ,235m 2 of commercial area on the ground floor. The applicant has requested an amendment in order to reconfigure the site to situate the building along the street edge and reduce the ground floor commercial space to a maximum of 474m2 and 70 residential dwelling units. Exceptions are required in order to reduce the front and side yards, landscape area and buffer strip requirements, reduce the amount of parking, permit the encroachment of a second floor terrace and retaining walls into the side yard, and permit a pad mounted transformer onsite. Ms. Henstock provided Council with several pictorial displays of both the previous site plan as well as the proposed site reconfiguration, including elevations and site access points. She pointed out that the initial concerns expressed by the Region of York Transportation Department included the proximity of the building to the lot line, particularly during construction, the Wellington Street access, irregular width of the entrance way and vertical clearance, the encroachment of operations onto ·Regional right-of-way and overhead utilities. The proponent has met with Regional staff and the Region has now indicated in their letter of April 24, 1996, which was distributed at the meeting, that their concerns can be satisfied throughout the site plan review process. The Planner concluded that revisions to the zoning standards are appropriate and in keeping with current policies and guidelines, including the Wellington Street Corridor Study. Accordingly, Staff support the proposal and note that, given the site's critical gateway location, an architectural review should be undertaken in conjunction with the site plan review process. Applicant's Comments Mr. Gordon, the proponent, outlined a brief history of the site and the subject application. A number of uses and proposals have been brought to Council throughout · the last number of years, including a car wash, commercial plaza, and ultimately a mixed use commercial residential project. A maximum five storeys commercial residential building was approved, which was intended as a non-profit project until provincial funding was withdrawn. Accordingly, the project became no longer viable. Mr. Gordon advised Council that the proposed condominium project will provide various social-economic advantages to the Town. He believes the project will foster area redevelopment, reinforce the urban pattern, increase pedestrian safety, and provide new tax revenues. In closing, Mr. Gordon commented that the proposed design was in keeping with the policies and guidelines established in OPA #64. No members of the public were present to address this application. The public portion of the meeting closed at 7:55 p.m. and Council's deliberations began. #254. Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Ochalski THAT Council support the revisi 0 ns to the proposal in principle; THAT both an architectural review and discussions with the Region of York Transportation Department to address their comments be undertaken through the site plan review process; and Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 13-96 Thursday, April 25, 1996 Page 4 THAT third reading of the implementing by-law be withheld pending finalization of a site plan agreement. On a recorded vote, the resolution was CARRIED YEAS: 5 NAY: 0 VOTING YEAS: Deputy Mayor Healy, Councillors McKenzie, Morris, Ochalski, and Sorley. ADJOURNMENT #255. Moved by Councillor Sorley THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:1 0 p.m. //} \!o; A--- T.JUMAYOR CARRIED L At..trSON, DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES